Welcome to the Age of Denial

Read this in the NYT today at lunch.

He's right those of us who are actually educated in science can no longer afford to sit on the sidelines, roll our eyes and ignore the proles.

So what's the plan, Mott?

Tom posted that even if America stops all emissions cold tomorrow, China's output & that of the rest of the world will offset that reduction within 4 years. Tekky posted that it doesn't matter what we do, and if we go off carbon - global warming will still continue fairly unabated for MANY centuries.

So...how do you propose we "stop it"?
LMAO... fyi Darla... my industry WANTS the fear mongers story to push for cap and trade. They know they can make money off of it.

My salary personally is not going to be affected one way or the other. This is simply more nonsense from you... which is typical of you fear mongers.

My guess is you are not going to try to explain why it is the computer models have been wrong? Nah... you will just continue with nonsense like your above post.

She meant your the salary you earn shilling for the Kock Bros.
Lets clear a few things up

1) no sane person argues that the climate changes. We all acknowledge that. The subject of debate is whether man is the cause. That had not been proven and cannot be proven scientifically. It is a theory based off models, based on human assumptions.

2) nobody argues that evolution exists. The debate as I see it is whether evolution by itself can account for the origin of man. Science has not proven this. It is a theory.

3) why should we blindly put our faith in scientists? What makes them above reproach? You sound like scientists have never been wrong.

You are as guilty of the behavior you accuse your political opponents. You are narrow minded and selectively choose data points that support your biases while ignoring inconvenient facts.
Well...to put is simply. You don't know what you're talking about cause.

#1. It has been shown scientifically that human industrial activity has impacted climate.
#2. Evolution is a theory and it has demonstrated conclusively the factual basis of human common descent.
#3. That's a strawman. Scientist only expect you to respect facts and empirical evidence.
1) It is not a knee jerk reaction... you are truly in denial if you think the AGW crowd hasn't been fear mongering on the issue.
2) The data does not support your so-called 'consensus'. The very fact that you continue to pretend there is a consensus shows you don't pay attention to the actual data. You continue to live in your fantasy world were the computer models have all been correct.

As always, you made a claim you can't support and instead of acknowledging that you act just like every spineless conservative and move the goalposts.

Where did I deny that the "AGW crowd" (by which you probably mean politicians and activists rather than scientists) have been fear mongering? YOU said....

Because you know the actual data doesn't support your fear mongering claims.

You are the one trying to lump me in with the vague "AGW crowd" and claim I support what?

LOL.... so called consensus. You are just silly. The computer models have been accurate.

Well...to put is simply. You don't know what you're talking about cause.

#1. It has been shown scientifically that human industrial activity has impacted climate.
#2. Evolution is a theory and it has demonstrated conclusively the factual basis of human common descent.
#3. That's a strawman. Scientist only expect you to respect facts and empirical evidence.

1) You are moving the goal posts... no one suggested that human industrial activity has no impact on the climate.
2) true
3) Except the fear mongers on global warming do not. They expect us to chant consensus with them even though the data is showing their computer models are wrong.

Enough of your bullshit pretending the argument is not specifically related to CO2 rising. Every time something shows that you are wrong, you shift the goal posts.
As always, you made a claim you can't support and instead of acknowledging that you act just like every spineless conservative and move the goalposts.

what claim is that String?

Where did I deny that the "AGW crowd" (by which you probably mean politicians and activists rather than scientists) have been fear mongering? YOU said....

Because you know the actual data doesn't support your fear mongering claims.

When you run around calling people denialists, you are fear mongering. You are attempting to shut down discussion by demeaning them. You did so in the OP of this thread.

You are the one trying to lump me in with the vague "AGW crowd" and claim I support what?

You claim there is a consensus... just as they do. There is not.

LOL.... so called consensus. You are just silly. The computer models have been accurate.

No they have not been accurate. But thanks for again shouting consensus for us.

LMAO... that has already been debunked....

So what's the plan, Mott?

Tom posted that even if America stops all emissions cold tomorrow, China's output & that of the rest of the world will offset that reduction within 4 years. Tekky posted that it doesn't matter what we do, and if we go off carbon - global warming will still continue fairly unabated for MANY centuries.

So...how do you propose we "stop it"?
Don't know....I'm a solid waste guy....you need to talk to a climate scientist.
1) You are moving the goal posts... no one suggested that human industrial activity has no impact on the climate.
2) true
3) Except the fear mongers on global warming do not. They expect us to chant consensus with them even though the data is showing their computer models are wrong.

Enough of your bullshit pretending the argument is not specifically related to CO2 rising. Every time something shows that you are wrong, you shift the goal posts.
The only one moving goal posts are you.
1) You are moving the goal posts... no one suggested that human industrial activity has no impact on the climate.
2) true
3) Except the fear mongers on global warming do not. They expect us to chant consensus with them even though the data is showing their computer models are wrong.

Enough of your bullshit pretending the argument is not specifically related to CO2 rising. Every time something shows that you are wrong, you shift the goal posts.

It was at least suggested. But tell us, what impact does it have and what are the primary factors? Do you have published paper(s) supporting your hypothesis and accurate climate models?
Dear moron... anyone that has 'studied' this for two decades should already know that.

1998 was the warmest year on record. Statistically tied with 2005 and 2010.

So your say so is your proof? That is what I thought.
By the way, I have studied alternative energy for 20 years, not climate change.
Ok, let's move on to easier ones:

Evolution and vaccine, which are also referenced in the op.

Some of our politicians deny evolution, pandering to their base. And certainly the vaccine deniers (don't know if any politicians are in that crowd - Bill Maher is, which is why we stopped watching him regularly) have killed kids because of their denial.

What happened? our country used to embrace science. Why are we denying it now?