Welcome to the insanity... (weffriddles)

SPOILER!!!! :p
Nah, if you go to the FAQ, it tells you that the answers are made by replacing the text before .html... I gave nothing away that they didn't already give away. I did remove the actual spoiler though.
I got the pessimist one... took me a good sleep to figure it out... but then I got to 15 and it looks exactly the same as 14 except for the title. Weird....
I got the pessimist one... took me a good sleep to figure it out... but then I got to 15 and it looks exactly the same as 14 except for the title. Weird....
There are important differences... check everything you did before to see what you end up with...
Looks like this one might stump me for a bit..

It always seems like the ones that should be simple stump me and the harder ones are nothing to me.
Thanks Damo, I got 14, it was the technological knoledge I was lacking.

Are there more that people who know very little about computers will have trouble with?
There are a few... Especially when you get to batch 3... You'll have the knowledge by the time you are done...
I'm currently just finishing Batch 3... I'll try to stay ahead of people so I can give hints along the way if y'all get stuck.