

Tea Is The New Kool-Aid

"WelfareMart. Their practices lead their employee's to receive $420,000 in government assistance PER STORE. We pay for what wally should"

While Christy Walton is worth $27.9Billion alone.................Maybe she should decide to be just $1 Billion rich and pay her employee's enough to provide for their family.........so the people paying for welfare don't have to.....
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I give that a 9.0 on the crybaby libtard scale.

So you think I'm crying because I have to pay more taxes when Corporations can afford to pay their workers well and refuse to handing them information on how to get government benefits? Come on now Dude. You are practically paying their wages for them so the Corporation doesn't have to.

Are you stating "boohoo, cry about us paying for it through welfare" or "boohoo, cry about the workers working and not receiving compensation they should"?
They should all quit and go on welfare if they are not happy. Its like McDonalds, an entry level job, any idiot can do it.
They should all quit and go on welfare if they are not happy. Its like McDonalds, an entry level job, any idiot can do it.

It's like the depression where not many had a job and people would work a days work for pennies if they lined up in hopes of being selected. If they are willing to work for it, then let it be (R)ight? Even when the depression had the top % hoarding all the money and paying low wages just like today. History..

P.S. nonreading tool. They are already on welfare. Perhaps read the post or just stay uneducated.
You bone heads are completely missing the point. The pay gap that gets bigger every year. Corporations keep charging more for products and the top takes all the new money. When the bottom/middle doesn't get any new money they can't afford products. And here we are in a recession. Most people can't afford much while the top can afford more than ever.

The jobs will STILL be entry level jobs....the prices would not have to go up if the top decides to be less greedy.....the economy would boom.....less people would be on welfare.

When the people wake up to this gap, every worker even the new ones will Unionize and demand more. We shouldn't have to pay for a Wal-Mart workers food through taxation, Wal-Mart can pay their employee's fair wages instead of handing out pamphlets on how to get government assistance. I'm guessing you tools didn't watch the video where a manager stated he was asked to hand out information on how to get government assistance?
First I'm for a 12 min wage indexed to inflation!
That said its moronic to attack Walmart
Libtards don't have an economics class among the bunch
So you think I'm crying because I have to pay more taxes when Corporations can afford to pay their workers well and refuse to handing them information on how to get government benefits? Come on now Dude. You are practically paying their wages for them so the Corporation doesn't have to.

Are you stating "boohoo, cry about us paying for it through welfare" or "boohoo, cry about the workers working and not receiving compensation they should"?

How do you explain McDonalds in North Dakota paying $15/hr?
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"WelfareMart. Their practices lead their employee's to receive $420,000 in government assistance PER STORE. We pay for what wally should"

While Christy Walton is worth $27.9Billion alone.................Maybe she should decide to be just $1 Billion rich and pay her employee's enough to provide for their family.........so the people paying for welfare don't have to.....

Maybe you should take all your savings and give it to the first homeless person you see, because clearly you have more than that person.
First I'm for a 12 min wage indexed to inflation!
That said its moronic to attack Walmart
Libtards don't have an economics class among the bunch

Number one, I'm not a Liberal and you keep using my own "Libertardian" created word against me with your assumption I am a Libtard.

Two, raising the minimum wage would crush small business even further. Big corporations will just raise their prices to counter it so the top will keep the same profits.

It's up to the workers of specific Corporations to unionize so the small town grocery store doesn't have to pay $12 an hour to the kid that just got out of school and wants to move some dog food around.
I coined libtard you simpleton
And if I call you one
U r
Oh yea, I realize that you are always correct since you always have subject...................oh wait, you just stop in and insult people and never have subject..:fu:

Next you will say you came up with NRAZI too.....
What people are forgetting is that Wal-Mart would not happen without the workers. It's a team effort. It's not just the top making it happen.

It blows my mind seeing so many people coddle the top and spit on the bottom.

The workers are replaceable because there are so many people out of work just like the great depression and corporations are taking advantage of that. They are raising their prices and not giving their employee's raises.

You realize this post isn't just about Wal-Mart right? Corporate profits are at an all time high and workers wages are at an all time low. Wake up. :palm:
What people are forgetting is that Wal-Mart would not happen without the workers. It's a team effort. It's not just the top making it happen.

It blows my mind seeing so many people coddle the top and spit on the bottom.

The workers are replaceable because there are so many people out of work just like the great depression and corporations are taking advantage of that. They are raising their prices and not giving their employee's raises.

You realize this post isn't just about Wal-Mart right? Corporate profits are at an all time high and workers wages are at an all time low. Wake up. :palm:
Wages going up is inflation, take an economics class or get some cliff notes.