
Wages going up is inflation, take an economics class or get some cliff notes.

and wages not going up with inflation means families fall further and further behind. YOU need to pay attention.

Productivity is up, wages aren't. Workers are getting the shaft.
and wages not going up with inflation means families fall further and further behind. YOU need to pay attention.

Productivity is up, wages aren't. Workers are getting the shaft.
Workers get exactly what they deserve.
Pay is tied to education
Phd's don't work at starting jobs at Walmart
Workers get exactly what they deserve.
Pay is tied to education
Phd's don't work at starting jobs at Walmart

Trust me. It's just not people at WalMart that aren't getting raises as their productivity increases. it's people with college degrees as well.

What you and the rest of the libtards do not seem to understand, these are all low skill entry level jobs, if Walmart could use monkeys to run the cash registers they would. What do you think the education level for employee's of WalMart, McDonalds and the rest of those types of industries are? I would imagine high school, GED's, and drop-out's. You want me to feel sorry for a 34 year old drop-out that cannot make it working at WalMart, or how about the Hispanic that barely speaks English and has worked at McDonalds for 20 years, or how about the convicted felon that was released on parole and is now washing cars?
Trust me. It's just not people at WalMart that aren't getting raises as their productivity increases. it's people with college degrees as well.
People with degrees have half the unemployment rate and higher pay. Are you arguing against education. Libtard

What you and the rest of the libtards do not seem to understand, these are all low skill entry level jobs, if Walmart could use monkeys to run the cash registers they would. What do you think the education level for employee's of WalMart, McDonalds and the rest of those types of industries are? I would imagine high school, GED's, and drop-out's. You want me to feel sorry for a 34 year old drop-out that cannot make it working at WalMart, or how about the Hispanic that barely speaks English and has worked at McDonalds for 20 years, or how about the convicted felon that was released on parole and is now washing cars?

Remember when McDonalds had to put pictures of sodas and hamburgers and automatic change makers on the registers so the morons could operate them...
Thats how GED Dude got his start...
You claimed, with zero backup that college educated aren't getting raises!
I have no doubt you pulled that out your ass!


How about this?
Faculty have degrees; they didn't get pay raises for four years.

I'd give you more data, but what's the point?

I know you're a troll, Dude; because I know you must have read about the growing income inequality in this country and how wages aren't keeping up with productivity, so for you to pretend you don't already know this, just means you're a troll.

You don't have to believe me. But you'd be wrong.
Where did I say wages were keeping up.
So they are getting a 4 percent raise and that's your proof they aren't getting raises!

How about this?
Faculty have degrees; they didn't get pay raises for four years.

I'd give you more data, but what's the point?

I know you're a troll, Dude; because I know you must have read about the growing income inequality in this country and how wages aren't keeping up with productivity, so for you to pretend you don't already know this, just means you're a troll.

You don't have to believe me. But you'd be wrong.
Hillarious what business education or experience do you have! Libtard
Where did I say wages were keeping up.
So they are getting a 4 percent raise and that's your proof they aren't getting raises!

They went for four years without raises. Can you read? Are you sure you went to college? Did you notice the WSJ doesn't just have cartoons?
They went for four years without raises. Can you read? Are you sure you went to college? Did you notice the WSJ doesn't just have cartoons?
I got one every year for 28
You complain on one hand college is too expensive, then professors not getting enough pay!
Teachers pull up the bottom rung for college educated
Not shocking you think that is what's typical
Did you go to college?
There are always going to be jobs on the bottom rung.
Good for libtard whiners
Good for hard workers moving up

There is no moving up no matter how hard you work, that's the problem.

Repubs and neocons keep telling you to pull yourself up by your bootstraps while at the same time hiding the boots and stealing the laces.
Dude, you're an idiot. We aren't going to put our personal info on this site. Well, ok, from other posts of mine you should be able to figure out the answer to your question. But I'm not answering you directly.

Where was your MBA from? "I'm not too smart U"?

'nuff. I'm not here to toy with trolls with you.