Well Bitches......one more week until I'm off the market!

Congrat, Lady T. I hope your wedding day is all you imagined and that you have a long and happy life together.
hahaha Thanks Guys.

I can't believe it only a couple of more days!!!!!!!!!
Here are three magic things to say to your husband on a regular basis that will gaurentee a happy marriage.

Honey do you mind if we watch the football game instead of CSI?

Sweety would you like another beer?

Mmmmm, that smells good. Do another!
Here are three magic things to say to your husband on a regular basis that will gaurentee a happy marriage.

Honey do you mind if we watch the football game instead of CSI?

Sweety would you like another beer?

Mmmmm, that smells good. Do another!

I know she hasn't been around lately, but have you forgotten her completely?