Well could be the nation's biggest...

EVEN in the gulf of mexico? 12 miles off is international waters? I DON'T THINK SO....but maybe you are right and we have some sort of agreement with the international community to have this airspace restricted area for near half the gulf of mexico off of florida for our military?

so, are you including the gulf of mexico in that 12 miles off or not?

yes even in the gulf of mexico. The 12 mile limit applies. Some countries like to recognize 200 mile limits. Those are dictatorships with something to hide.

no fly zones are for national security reasons. There are no fly zones throughout the country. A no fly zone in the gulf around florida is not so unusal considering cuba sits 90 miles to the south. And inspite of what jimmy carter says castro is not a nice man.

Airspace is not in the same catagory as the 12 mile limit on coastal regions. In the case of airpower a much larger range must be enforced. A lot of damage can be done from 50 miles away.

Its all part of what keeps you free and safe and able to post your statements on here.
Damo, they were mad at saddam in yesteryear because he was selling his country's oil below the opec determined price....

Why don't you think this should be allowed?

And I don't understand why you think this makes oil better available to all? please explain your enemy comment?
yes even in the gulf of mexico. The 12 mile limit applies. Some countries like to recognize 200 mile limits. Those are dictatorships with something to hide.

no fly zones are for national security reasons. There are no fly zones throughout the country. A no fly zone in the gulf around florida is not so unusal considering cuba sits 90 miles to the south. And inspite of what jimmy carter says castro is not a nice man.

Airspace is not in the same catagory as the 12 mile limit on coastal regions. In the case of airpower a much larger range must be enforced. A lot of damage can be done from 50 miles away.

Its all part of what keeps you free and safe and able to post your statements on here.
The international limit is 200 miles for fisheries and other natural resources. Our own government, under the clown Ronald McPresident, was among the first to assert it. It is now the defacto law of the sea.


Actually, it's not just the defacto law of the sea, it's the official law of the sea.


The territorial limit is 200 miles, not 3 or even 12.

Chinese companies could not drill in the Gulf without paying for leases.
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yes even in the gulf of mexico. The 12 mile limit applies. Some countries like to recognize 200 mile limits. Those are dictatorships with something to hide.

no fly zones are for national security reasons. There are no fly zones throughout the country. A no fly zone in the gulf around florida is not so unusal considering cuba sits 90 miles to the south. And inspite of what jimmy carter says castro is not a nice man.

Airspace is not in the same catagory as the 12 mile limit on coastal regions. In the case of airpower a much larger range must be enforced. A lot of damage can be done from 50 miles away.

Its all part of what keeps you free and safe and able to post your statements on here.

ships fire exocets and tomahawks too , not just an airpower issue either.
Damo, they were mad at saddam in yesteryear because he was selling his country's oil below the opec determined price....

Why don't you think this should be allowed?

And I don't understand why you think this makes oil better available to all? please explain your enemy comment?
If I were Venezuela and didn't like the US would I charge them more or less? Because of the fungibility of the product and the ability to get it from other sourcing the pricing remains the same throughout. This is what fungible is all about.

Your questions make it clear you really don't understand what a fungible item is and how it works with the laws of supply and demand...

So either you can look it up or you expect me to explain complex economics on a message board...

Because of the fungibility of the product one can easily move to another place to purchase the product at the level economics demands rather than what is expected from a nation with enmity...

If Iraq decides to produce more and thus lowers the price of oil, it lowers all of the oil, once again because the product is fungible. Each of the other nations can simply gain more of their supply at the lesser cost and in order to compete those other nations must lower their cost as well... If it is unsustainable at that price then Iraq runs out of supply and the price rises accross the board because of the fungibility of the product...

So forth...

It is actually because of competition that the pricing remains equitable accross the world for every nation. Even though there are only 5 major multi-nationals that run it, it is enough to keep the price equal because of the nature of the product...
yes even in the gulf of mexico. The 12 mile limit applies. Some countries like to recognize 200 mile limits. Those are dictatorships with something to hide.

no fly zones are for national security reasons. There are no fly zones throughout the country. A no fly zone in the gulf around florida is not so unusal considering cuba sits 90 miles to the south. And inspite of what jimmy carter says castro is not a nice man.

Airspace is not in the same catagory as the 12 mile limit on coastal regions. In the case of airpower a much larger range must be enforced. A lot of damage can be done from 50 miles away.

Its all part of what keeps you free and safe and able to post your statements on here.

Castro?? The over 70 dictator of cane plantations and little else, that Castro? The neighbor of the naval base at Guantanimo, whose every sigh is recorded for posterity by some CIA listening agent, that Castro?

Gaffer, you sound like another conservative ruled by his fears instead of his reason. Myself, I just can't see Castro taking us over, but he could jump right out of that hospital bed and start lobbing his air force and his missles at us any day now. He's a real threat, especially now that he is ill. He's even more of a threat in his sickness and old age, because he has less to lose now than ever before. Watch out for that evil dictator Castro, he of the state-supported healthcare and lower infact mortality than America, he could destroy us any day now???

In fact, conservatives everywhere, run for your lives Castro is coming...
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If I were Venezuela and didn't like the US would I charge them more or less? Because of the fungibility of the product and the ability to get it from other sourcing the pricing remains the same throughout. This is what fungible is all about.

And what makes this any different than any other item out there in the retail world, may I ask?

Your questions make it clear you really don't understand what a fungible item is and how it works with the laws of supply and demand...

So either you can look it up or you expect me to explain complex economics on a message board...

Because of the fungibility of the product one can easily move to another place to purchase the product at the level economics demands rather than what is expected from a nation with enmity...

If Iraq decides to produce more and thus lowers the price of oil, it lowers all of the oil, once again because the product is fungible. Each of the other nations can simply gain more of their supply at the lesser cost and in order to compete those other nations must lower their cost as well... If it is unsustainable at that price then Iraq runs out of supply and the price rises accross the board because of the fungibility of the product...

So forth...
Once again, what makes this any different than other items in a retail marketplace which are all susceptible to the competition's pricing for the same product, I either lower my price to match or I lose some of my market share to the competitor... this is what happens in a free market?

It is actually because of competition that the pricing remains equitable accross the world for every nation. Even though there are only 5 major multi-nationals that run it, it is enough to keep the price equal because of the nature of the product...

And please tell me AGAIN why you want them to do this again verses being in a competitive market?

And as far as having an enemy that won't sell you oil, then you go to someone else to buy it?

The oil will be out there to buy? If you are no longer buying it from your enemy then someone else is buying it from them, and that someone, is now not buying it from the country that they were buying it from leaving it for you to buy, no?

And if all of the opec lot has to be competitive once one country decides to pump more or lowers the price, then everyone will be getting a better price, ala Walmart type scenario, sort of, no?

of course all of this will just make us run out of oil quicker...because there is ONLY so much of it, supposedly....

But anyway, if I am just way off base with my questions, please feel free to continue to school me, because I am pretty confused as it is... ;)
"Once again, what makes this any different than other items in a retail marketplace which are all susceptible to the competition's pricing for the same product, I either lower my price to match or I lose some of my market share to the competitor... this is what happens in a free market?"

Nothing, other than the fact that the product in itself is exactly the same unlike other products that you can purchase where there is actually a difference in the product and therefore the products are not 100% fungible.
"And please tell me AGAIN why you want them to do this again verses being in a competitive market?"

My point was that the market is competitive. You missed everything I said or at least understood none of it.
"Once again, what makes this any different than other items in a retail marketplace which are all susceptible to the competition's pricing for the same product, I either lower my price to match or I lose some of my market share to the competitor... this is what happens in a free market?"

Nothing, other than the fact that the product in itself is exactly the same unlike other products that you can purchase where there is actually a difference in the product and therefore the products are not 100% fungible.

i carried at Dillard's the same shoes my competitor, Macy's carried...if macy's promoted these shoes, i met their price, to be competitive... and temporarily repriced my merchandise to this lower price for their same promotional period. If they promoted this product again, and within a month, at the lower price for a sale period, i priced my item, PERMANANTLY at the lower price and never repriced it upwards when the sale was over for macy's....because of Dillard's policy...they beleived having an item out for a certain amount of time at a repeated sale price, establish the NEW retail price for the item.

I guess i am saying is YES, in a big way, in retail, we all carry most of the EXACT SAME name branded items...this is why retailers try to focus on developing their own private label items so that they do NOT have to compete as much with the other same ''level'' retailers out there...

the same thing in whole sale/manufacturing.....a boat shoe is a boat shoe is a boat shoe, all nearly the same no matter the same level manufacturer/vendor, that's why innovation and ingenuity with proprietary technology in newer, creative type footwear is where we always pushed....where we were going....is where the money could be made....not where we had been...and with the staples, they just maintained us, at best.

but i guess, talking it through, you're saying, oil, is oil, is oil....there is no chance to improve it or change it for the better to give a competitive edge....at the ''producing'' end of it...

but why does the us follow this opec pricing and why does venezuella not, for example?
i carried at Dillard's the same shoes my competitor, Macy's carried...if macy's promoted these shoes, i met their price, to be competitive... and temporarily repriced my merchandise to this lower price for their same promotional period. If they promoted this product again, and within a month, at the lower price for a sale period, i priced my item, PERMANANTLY at the lower price and never repriced it upwards when the sale was over for macy's....because of Dillard's policy...they beleived having an item out for a certain amount of time at a repeated sale price, establish the NEW retail price for the item.

Which is what all of the other nations do, or do you really believe that every nation selling oil is part of OPEC? The fungibility gaurantees the same price.

I guess i am saying is YES, in a big way, in retail, we all carry most of the EXACT SAME name branded items...this is why retailers try to focus on developing their own private label items so that they do NOT have to compete as much with the other same ''level'' retailers out there...

the same thing in whole sale/manufacturing.....a boat shoe is a boat shoe is a boat shoe, all nearly the same no matter the same level manufacturer/vendor, that's why innovation and ingenuity with proprietary technology in newer, creative type footwear is where we always pushed....where we were going....is where the money could be made....not where we had been...and with the staples, they just maintained us, at best.

but i guess, talking it through, you're saying, oil, is oil, is oil....there is no chance to improve it or change it for the better to give a competitive edge....at the ''producing'' end of it...

but why does the us follow this opec pricing and why does venezuella not, for example?

Venezuela does, it just uses proceeds to pay a huge chunk for people. It's like Alaska not charging Taxes and giving a check from oil proceeds each year... The government simply subsidizes, but it doesn't change the price of the fungible item in reality, it is paid for in other areas.
Fungability, is that why diesel fuel will grow fungus and needs an additive if stored for long periods ?
as you could tell, I have not read the article yet...

But if they do have a MEGA FIND, and mexico also has said thet they have a HUGE MEGA FIND of oil deposts too, then you would think that oil would be down to a $1.00 a gallon like it was under Clinton for a short period, before ya know it!!!


Could you inform me or answer me on OPEC and why the usa businesses goes with their OPEC oil prices and why we allow this price fixing on one of the Earth's most valuable resource?

Refinery capacity also has a lot to do with it, but with more oil and oil prices going down the refineries won't have to pay as much for a barrel of oil to process it. Refinery capacity does, however, determine a lot of the price. I doubt we'll ever be down to 1 dollar a gallon again, but maybe less than 2.
We don't drill off our coasts Runyon?
I believe we do so, BIGTIME....we don't drill off of the coast of Florida because the Floridians do not want it, including Jeb Bush and the Republican Congressmen and Senator for the State is against it BECAUSE their Coasts are their maine cash cow for the state of Florida and they can't risk damage from an oil spill accident or from a hurricane wiping out the wells spilling oil in to the gulf near them. But Louisianna, and mississippi, Alaska and Texas have a ton on oil wells and drilling.

In addition to this, for 150-200 miles off the west coast of Florida is a MILITARY -NO FLY ZONE for commercial aircraft. It is where the Airforce, and the Navy practice their "exercises" for war and the such....

When you fly from Tampa to Houston, the plane always heads north then crossed over past Louisianna before it can head south towards Houston.

This no fly zone area is very important area for our military, primarily Mc Dill Air Force base which is also the operation headquarters for the war in Iraq and on terror practices and trains...

Also, on the east coast of Florida, there is Cape Canaveral...the space shuttle takes off from there and their fuel boosters fall in the Atlantic off the florida central coast and all of that area is restricted air space also and the ocean below is restricted too, so that the boosters don't hit you.


*cough*. South Mississippi is a huge cash cow for the state of Mississippi. It's the third largest gambling destination in the nation, losing out only to Las Vagas and Atlantic City. We don't allow drilling on our coasts, and have turned down numerous times proposals by our retarded governer to do so.
True capitalism DOES NOT work without TRUE competition...no? Isn't THAT PART of the equation?

So why do we allow this and why do we go along with it?

That's non-sequitor, Care.

People paying whatever they can get for an item has nothing to do with competition. Even in highly competive markets people pay for the lowest they can get, and companies charge as much as they can.
That's non-sequitor, Care.

People paying whatever they can get for an item has nothing to do with competition. Even in highly competive markets people pay for the lowest they can get, and companies charge as much as they can.

why are monopolies against the law watermark?
why are monopolies against the law watermark?

What are you talking about? Who mentioned monopolies? What you said was non-sequitor. That's all I said.

Monopolies were mainly the result of the technoligical restictions of the 1800's that allowed certain companies to gain large footholds in every local market... much like we'll likely never see a truly competitive power company situation. They are not common in the modern world, and where they do happen you probably don't even notice it.