Well, I got robbed today.......


JPP Modarater
(I really need to stop using Damo's political board to bitch and moan on......for some reason I can't help it)

Anyway, the movers came today to move us out of the apartment. Last night I got a call confirming my appointment and telling me that they needed cash or a certified check. My quote was for ~$336 dollars so I went to the ATM and took out $400 just to be on the safe side. This was around 11 or 12 pm last night and then afterward, I went straight home. Fast forward to around noon today. The movers start to unload my stuff, and the supervisor asks for my money. I check my wallet and almost $300 was missing. They were the only ones around and there was no other place my money could have gone. Long story short, I called the cops they filed a report and my boyfriend and I are shit out of luck.

This has been a painful experience. Especially on top of contractors ripping us off right and left.

Homeownership thus far: two thumbs down

Renting: one thumb up
Wow, that's intense.

I'm really sorry for you, Tiana. May I suggest a couple shots of tequila tonight?

And here's a big electronic hug from me :hug:
(I really need to stop using Damo's political board to bitch and moan on......for some reason I can't help it)

Anyway, the movers came today to move us out of the apartment. Last night I got a call confirming my appointment and telling me that they needed cash or a certified check. My quote was for ~$336 dollars so I went to the ATM and took out $400 just to be on the safe side. This was around 11 or 12 pm last night and then afterward, I went straight home. Fast forward to around noon today. The movers start to unload my stuff, and the supervisor asks for my money. I check my wallet and almost $300 was missing. They were the only ones around and there was no other place my money could have gone. Long story short, I called the cops they filed a report and my boyfriend and I are shit out of luck.

This has been a painful experience. Especially on top of contractors ripping us off right and left.

Homeownership thus far: two thumbs down

Renting: one thumb up

Oh I'm sorry.
There really doesn't seem to be much liklihood they could be convicted, Tiana...

You're evidence isn't good enough, if all it is is that you believe they were the only people there. If the DA actually prosecuted, it seems as if it would be easy to defend against. Sorry for the being negative. :(

Burglary actually has a really low rate of conviction. It's one of the least well enforced crimes.
Very difficult to investigate and get a case. You can prove you had the cash if you kept your atm receipt, that's a plus. But cash isn't identifiable (partly the reason banks like to use ink traps). Besides, unless you could pin down to a very brief time period, the even itself, that means that there are potential suspects beyond the movers. It's a real bugger when you know someone did it but it can't be proven.

I'm sorry for your loss.
There really doesn't seem to be much liklihood they could be convicted, Tiana...

You're evidence isn't good enough, if all it is is that you believe they were the only people there. If the DA actually prosecuted, it seems as if it would be easy to defend against. Sorry for the being negative. :(

Burglary actually has a really low rate of conviction. It's one of the least well enforced crimes.

Yeah, I know. which is why it really sucks ass. You can't prove someone took cash unless you have the tape or you catch with bills with known serial numbers or there is a witness. I definitely can't prove anything because there were three of them. Which sucks. I should have been watching my purse. Yet another expensive lesson learned.
Very difficult to investigate and get a case. You can prove you had the cash if you kept your atm receipt, that's a plus. But cash isn't identifiable (partly the reason banks like to use ink traps). Besides, unless you could pin down to a very brief time period, the even itself, that means that there are potential suspects beyond the movers. It's a real bugger when you know someone did it but it can't be proven.

I'm sorry for your loss.

I can really only prove intent to pay with the atm receipt. I've thought about this all day. If I went to court, the only thing that the atm receipt could really do is dispell any assumption that I am making this up if anything at all. Even though it was late and I know I went straight to bed, any decent lawyer would point out that I coudl have spent it between the time I took it out and the time they needed to get paid. But that still doesn't prove who took the money. I basically just got effed in ay.
You should call the owner of the moving company, and tell him about it. The owner may be a cunt and ignore you, but I doubt he would be encouraging his employees to steal. You may at least get some retribution.
I can really only prove intent to pay with the atm receipt. I've thought about this all day. If I went to court, the only thing that the atm receipt could really do is dispell any assumption that I am making this up if anything at all. Even though it was late and I know I went straight to bed, any decent lawyer would point out that I coudl have spent it between the time I took it out and the time they needed to get paid. But that still doesn't prove who took the money. I basically just got effed in ay.

Afraid so. I know there's no way I'd try to take that to a prosecutor, sadly.
You should call the owner of the moving company, and tell him about it. The owner may be a cunt and ignore you, but I doubt he would be encouraging his employees to steal. You may at least get some retribution.

This is above my pay grade but I would think the inquiry would have to be reasonably general, I'm not sure of the jurisdiction and not sure how libel laws play there but where I am an accusation (harsh word but I have to use it) isn't a privileged statement, heck even reporting a suspect to the police is only conditionally qualified, so a very general inquiry might reduce problems.
You should call the owner of the moving company, and tell him about it. The owner may be a cunt and ignore you, but I doubt he would be encouraging his employees to steal. You may at least get some retribution.

he was the one who said i should call the cops. I still have prepaid legal for the time being. I'm going to call up someone and see what they think I should do. The cop seem to feel bad but there was nothing that he could really do.
This is above my pay grade but I would think the inquiry would have to be reasonably general, I'm not sure of the jurisdiction and not sure how libel laws play there but where I am an accusation (harsh word but I have to use it) isn't a privileged statement, heck even reporting a suspect to the police is only conditionally qualified, so a very general inquiry might reduce problems.

In America libel laws are a lot less strict than in other places. I think in general the party in question has to be absolutely sure the accusation is not true and make it anyway to be accused of libel. But Socrates or Jarod, both being American lawyers, would know for sure, so you might want to ask one of them.
I will tell you one thing. Don't pay cash to those people. Use cards.

And what did you allow them access to your wallet for?