Well, I got robbed today.......

I will tell you one thing. Don't pay cash to those people. Use cards.

And what did you allow them access to your wallet for?

1) we've learned our lesson, if they only accept cash, we move on to the next guy

2) We were moving. I couldn't carry my purse with me and cart stuff in and out of my car. Looking back, I should have put my $ in my car, but hind sight is 20/20.
1) we've learned our lesson, if they only accept cash, we move on to the next guy

2) We were moving. I couldn't carry my purse with me and cart stuff in and out of my car. Looking back, I should have put my $ in my car, but hind sight is 20/20.

Why would you think of it? I wouldn't.
I don't know about there but here removalists stealing stuff is an art form. The military, some branches have a policy of move every two years (and they use civilian removalists), know all about it, the bastards (removalists) just plunder people's property.
This is one reason I consciously make the horrible fashion mistake of using a fanny pack as my purse. Yeah they look like shit but you can wear them and carry anything you want.

Very sorry to hear about this Tia. It just sucks ass to have someone steal form you in your own house.
Yeah, I know. which is why it really sucks ass. You can't prove someone took cash unless you have the tape or you catch with bills with known serial numbers or there is a witness. I definitely can't prove anything because there were three of them. Which sucks. I should have been watching my purse. Yet another expensive lesson learned.

I think your boytoy just took the cash to the local gentlemens club. He knew you would blame the movers. ;)
I think your boytoy just took the cash to the local gentlemens club. He knew you would blame the movers. ;)

Why do you call her boyfriend her boy toy? Are you threatened by a woman being with a younger man? Is this a privilege to be held in reserve for only men?
Why do you call her boyfriend her boy toy? Are you threatened by a woman being with a younger man? Is this a privilege to be held in reserve for only men?

So you know, I personally have no problem with it.:nodyes:
Why do you call her boyfriend her boy toy? Are you threatened by a woman being with a younger man? Is this a privilege to be held in reserve for only men?

Um, I don't think I knew he was younger.... and no even if I had known it would not be the reason.... I have just come to accept the fact that women rule the world and we men are just some of their toys. :)
I realized where you told me after I posted it, that's why i backtracked.

I could be reported to Damo for this transgression you know!
I knew he was younger too, I don't remember where I got the information from...

I don't know if this one would count.
I knew he was younger too, I don't remember where I got the information from...

I don't know if this one would count.

Yeah, well, lets get back to Superfreaks original comment that women rule the world and men are just our toys. :D