Well, I think we may have found a house

That is the way to house shop LadyT. If you don't get your heart set on a particular house you can wheel and deal. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
ps. I hope ya get it.
That is the way to house shop LadyT. If you don't get your heart set on a particular house you can wheel and deal. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
ps. I hope ya get it.

Thanks. I think I'll low ball like for a few more properties that I like and if I don't get anything I'll really focus on me and my boyfriend gettings overseas gigs.
Just stay out of the ME. They are having trouble finding contractors over there. I wonder why ;)
Heck an old fart like me even got a job offer without looking.
Update on the mundane details of my life that have no relevence to politics and no one really gives two $hits about:

They countered with $390 looks like it ain't gonna happen :(
Oh well. The house definitely isn't worth $390. $350- 360 but there's stuff to do to still.
Update on the mundane details of my life that have no relevence to politics and no one really gives two $hits about:

They countered with $390 looks like it ain't gonna happen :(
Oh well. The house definitely isn't worth $390. $350- 360 but there's stuff to do to still.

move to Conn... 350K could buy you a mansion up here.


and still have 100K to spare... plus im here and im fabulous and that would be hot.
Counter again, increase about 10 Gs... They'll come back again... They are going in the right direction at least.
350K here would buy you a nice farm, with a nice big house on it.
One up the road with a nice big house and 2 horse barns on about 100 acres has been on the market for a couple of years for that type of money. Just too high for here.
Update on the mundane details of my life that have no relevence to politics and no one really gives two $hits about:

They countered with $390 looks like it ain't gonna happen :(
Oh well. The house definitely isn't worth $390. $350- 360 but there's stuff to do to still.

keep shopping you will find the right one.
Update on the mundane details of my life that have no relevence to politics and no one really gives two $hits about:

They countered with $390 looks like it ain't gonna happen :(
Oh well. The house definitely isn't worth $390. $350- 360 but there's stuff to do to still.

i just went through this....i forgot to mention, when the occonel's offered $335 we countered at $355, basically asking price at that time...they did not come back, but left it as....we still like your house....

it took a week before we worked out the details above and we came back with our best price....

so, before you quit with this......

they think you are ''intentionally'' feeling them out....seeing if they are ''desparate''....

they just let you know...''we are not desparate, BUT we are ready to now realistically DEAL''..........

THEY DID NOT SHUT YOU OUT....they think they called your bluff or got someone interested.

i am telling you girlfriend, if you want this house....you can get it!

you need to COUNTEROFFER, at your best price....yet, what you can accept as STILL a good value for the house...

if it is $360k, contingent on an inspection and financing approval....then MAKE this counter offer....tell the realtor you have done alot of pencil pushing and it is the best you can do.....

she will present this to the owners...they may come back again with a higher offer...(you then can offer 500 bucks more, even if they want 10k more than your last offer, showing that you are trying your hardest), and tell the agent that this is your final offer, the owners can ''take it, or leave it''.


i know what i am talking about! ;)

lol....but i really do, on this.... trust me, it ain't over, if you don't want it to be!

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That sounds like good advice. But the problem is interest rates. There at like 6.5% now. Which makes a big difference from when we were originally pricing it. I'm thinking the most we can possibly go is $345 and
That sounds like good advice. But the problem is interest rates. There at like 6.5% now. Which makes a big difference from when we were originally pricing it. I'm thinking the most we can possibly go is $345 and

Is $345 the most you think you will qualify for with these interest rates or is it what you think you can afford with the interest rates?

well, I would make the counter offer of $345, tell the agent...

"it is all you can afford with interst payments and all.... that if the owners are not willing to accept it right now, please keep you in mind if somewhere down the road, they consider lowering their price."
Umm Care, It does not sound like to me that LadyT is too upset about losing this house. Perhaps the next one will she will really love.
Umm Care, It does not sound like to me that LadyT is too upset about losing this house. Perhaps the next one will she will really love.

oh! i agree uscit!

it's just that, she could ''perfect'' her ''tactics'' with every try....

nothing ventured, nothing gained! is how i look at it... wish i had someone to tell me these things about bidding in a buyers market, when i was younger and just beginning in real estate!!