Well said sir!

cancel2 2022

It's called manners bitch. Learn some.

Tom is the poster boy for aggrieved, self-pitying white dudes who walk around crying about how the world is so mean to them because it's no longer socially appropriate to say rude things about black people and women. They really are the little bitches of the world. We should take up a collection for their cause.
sociopaths don't care who they offend.

that smuck is likely a sociopath.

BTW he whines his ass off all the time about the left
sociopaths don't care who they offend.

that smuck is likely a sociopath.

BTW he whines his ass off all the time about the left

Stephen Fry is on the Left and gay as well, you could have looked that up yourself if you weren´t so lazy.

Stephen Fry with Stonewall marchers at WorldPride 2012 in London.

Fry struggled to keep his homosexuality secret during his teenage years at public school, and by his own account did not engage in sexual activity for 16 years from 1979 until 1995.[SUP][128][/SUP]
When asked when he first acknowledged his sexuality, Fry quipped: "I suppose it all began when I came out of the womb. I looked back up at my mother and thought to myself, 'That's the last time I'm going up one of those'".[SUP][129][/SUP] Fry was in a 15-year relationship with Daniel Cohen, which ended in 2010.[SUP][130][/SUP]
[h=3]Politics[/h] Fry was an active supporter of the Labour Party for many years and appeared in a party political broadcast on its behalf with Hugh Laurie and Michelle Collins in November 1993. He did not vote in the 2005 General Election because of the stance of both the Labour and Conservative parties with regard to the Iraq War. Despite his praise of the Blair/Brown government's work on social reform, Fry has been critical of the Labour Party's "Third Way" concept. Fry appeared in literature to support changing the British electoral system from first-past-the-post to alternative vote for electing Members of Parliament to the House of Commons in the Alternative Vote referendum in 2011.[SUP][131][/SUP]
On 30 April 2008, Fry signed an open letter, published in The Guardian newspaper by some well-known Jewish personalities, stating their opposition to celebrating the 60th anniversary of the founding of the State of Israel.[SUP][132][/SUP] Furthermore, he is a signatory member of the British Jews for Justice for Palestinians organisation, which campaigns for Palestinian rights.[SUP][133][/SUP] Fry was among over 100 signatories to a statement published by Sense About Science on 4 June 2009, condemning British libel laws and their use to "severely curtail the right to free speech on a matter of public interest".[SUP][134][/SUP]
On 7 August 2013, Fry published an "Open Letter to David Cameron and the IOC"[SUP][135][/SUP] calling for a boycott of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, due to concerns over the state-sanctioned persecution of LGBT persons in Russia. David Cameron however stated on Twitter he believed "we can better challenge prejudice as we attend, rather than boycotting the Winter Olympics".[SUP][136][/SUP][SUP][137][/SUP] Adrian Hilton, writing in the Daily Mail, criticised Fry for not calling for a boycott of all Russian performing arts.[SUP][138][/SUP] Fry responded by accusing the Daily Mail of being "against progress, the liberalising of attitudes, modern art and strangers (whether by race, gender or sexuality)".[SUP][139][/SUP]

saying being offensive to people is fine because no one is in reality ever needs to think about offending people is sociopathic.

thinking the only reason people say they are offended by something is a lie to get what they want is pretty sociopathic in its thinking,

People who don't have real human emotions sometimes think others are FAKING real human emotions because to them there are none they feel.

See how that works.

Sociopaths are far more likely to think someone is lying when they have an emotional reaction to something.

They look into their own dark heart and assume others hearts are just as dark as theirs.

Its sociopaths who worry about someone lying to get food stamps.

NORMAL people know most human beings would Be too ashamed to lie to get food stamps.

Pride is a real emotion.

Sociopaths think its fake.

they also think love is fake
I don't seek to offend people.

Im aware of peoples feelings.

I care when they are offended.

Im a pack animal and so are all human beings.

we need the pack to be on our side.

for that we need to care about their real human emotions.

Those who truly think offending others is just fine will be tossed from the pack.

your not a team player and man kind only moves forward when they work together as a team.

you hate the team op.

that guy was just joking about not caring about offending others.

He did march for gay rights for years right?

I guess he does think its bad to offend gay people huh?
It's called manners bitch. Learn some.

This is rich!

Lol, he has been the most offended poster as of late, I find it ironic he has posted this. Next time he complains about Darla and Dantes, I will have to remind him of Stephen Fry's words!
This is rich!

Lol, he has been the most offended poster as of late, I find it ironic he has posted this. Next time he complains about Darla and Dantes, I will have to remind him of Stephen Fry's words!

You said that I was going back on ignore, so I´ll remind you of that as well.

I think the problem emerges when people use it as a last defence or use it to infringe on other people: “You can’t do this or that, it offends me.”

It’s rare that this type of response is backed up with any solid reasoning, rather it’s the result of prejudice and preconceptions.

I thought that a man of discernment like yourself would have seen that but I guess if you don´t know who Stephen Fry is then maybe that is not immediately obvious.
You said that I was going back on ignore, so I´ll remind you of that as well.

Do I need to make a video showing that when other people quote someone you have on ignore, you can still see their post? You fucking moron. Shut up. Nobody here gives a fuck who Stephen Frye or any of your other English Pansies are.