Well, today's school shooting is in Kentucky, Monday's in Texas,

You dense motherfucker. We’re not talking about getting to work. How about moving goods in a society?

Jesus Jumped-Up Christ, you are the stupidest cretin on this forum.

Don’t need these:


Don’t need thses:


Just this will work fine:


no, you stupid assed bitch, you DON'T need those because people need to get licensed. Until you acknowledge a RIGHT TO DRIVE, VEHICLES ARE NOT NECESSARY!!!!!!!
no, you stupid assed bitch, you DON'T need those because people need to get licensed. Until you acknowledge a RIGHT TO DRIVE, VEHICLES ARE NOT NECESSARY!!!!!!!

Stupidest motherfucker on the firum.

How do you move goods in a society, stupid fuck? Pack mule?

you're a fucktard idiot. that is no more easier access to guns that it is with your daddy leaving the car keys on the kitchen table. dumbass of the forum.

I can buy a gun, no questions asked, at any time I care to.

How did your guns get to market, idiot? Backpack? lol
gun show loophole?????? dumb bitch?????? you know jack shit about gun laws or how to buy a gun, so make me laugh some more, slave.

try moving goods without government permission

I’m done wasting my time with such a massive moron. I get more intelligent conversation from my two year old grandson. You’re talking to yourself from now on, Jethro. But, remember this:

“Vehicles cannot be necessary” will remain the stupidest fucking post ever placed on this forum. Congrats, idiot!
I’m done wasting my time with such a massive moron. I get more intelligent conversation from my two year old grandson. You’re talking to yourself from now on, Jethro. But, remember this:

“Vehicles cannot be necessary” will remain the stupidest fucking post ever placed on this forum. Congrats, idiot!

the stupidest will be you refusing to answer simple and direct questions. congrats, idiot. and your 2 year old grandson is smarter than you are.