APP - Well? What do you think?


Kenyan economist James Shikwati argues that aid to developing countries does more harm than good. He says that aid promotes corruption and complacency, damages local economies and teaches people to be beggars.

Most Americans are proud of their contribution, in terms on money, to the third world, so what do you think about this 'bust-a-myth' comment. Here's a bit more about the man:

James Shikwati (born 1970) is a Kenyan libertarian economist and Director of the Inter Region Economic Network who promotes freedom of trade as the driving solution to poverty in Africa. He has made comments which imply that aid towards Africa does nothing but harm to their people, based on the central arguments that it is mainly used either by politicians as a tool to manipulate people and influence votes, or as a mechanism for dumping subsidised foreign agricultural products onto local markets at below cost making it nearly impossible for African farmers to compete.
Hmm a different viewpoint from me.

Aid to developing countries creates competition for the US labor market and lowers our standard of living. It does however make a small handfull in the USA a lot of money.
Shikwati is dead on. That's because most aid goes to the government that then uses it as a club to subdue its citizens.
Agree with the facts be not as much with the principle. I believe that if there were fewer corrupt leaders in 3rd world nations the aid may do some good.
That would cost to much. My idea is better. Arm an African. Instead of adopting them we'll arm them all.
he has a good point, but i am surprised that libs on this site are not disagreeing with him....take out aid to a foreign country and put in aid to our own citizens....

it appears it went over many libs heads

for me....i think some aid is good, our economy is dependent heavily on consumers, so we aid other countries, get them up to a higher standard of living and of course HOPE they buy, buy, buy....whether that is good or bad, it is simply the way it is
he has a good point, but i am surprised that libs on this site are not disagreeing with him....take out aid to a foreign country and put in aid to our own citizens....

it appears it went over many libs heads

for me....i think some aid is good, our economy is dependent heavily on consumers, so we aid other countries, get them up to a higher standard of living and of course HOPE they buy, buy, buy....whether that is good or bad, it is simply the way it is

Naw we hope they provide cheap labor and or products for us to buy.

Us being our corporate ran government.

Yurt, we cannot compete with the cheap labor of 3rd world countires. Our standard of living WILL go DOWN as theirs rises. It is inevitable. Now is the time for you to bring up that pitiful not a zero sum argument?
Naw we hope they provide cheap labor and or products for us to buy.

Us being our corporate ran government.

Yurt, we cannot compete with the cheap labor of 3rd world countires. Our standard of living WILL go DOWN as theirs rises. It is inevitable. Now is the time for you to bring up that pitiful not a zero sum argument?

obviously you have your mind made up and what you think my argument will be, so there is no further need to debate this :)
An army can't run on empty bellies and no training. You're advocating suicide.

Even though I was joking, this thread is slow so I'll take a new direction. Logistics of course is important but if everyone is armed then a few problems (parts and ammo for example) are plentiful and easy enough to come across. As for training, that is relative. Even in conventional warfare experience>training every day.
You mean I can't have my own armed F16 and a Nuclear submarine???

Whaah my constitutional right have been violated.

Naw we hope they provide cheap labor and or products for us to buy.

Us being our corporate ran government.

Yurt, we cannot compete with the cheap labor of 3rd world countires. Our standard of living WILL go DOWN as theirs rises. It is inevitable. Now is the time for you to bring up that pitiful not a zero sum argument?

It's not a zero sum game. Nothing pitiful about that argument. It is without a doubt correct.

England was the wealthiest nation in the world. We overtook them. Do you think the standard of living of the English people has gone down?

The only people "impoverished" are their leaders/politicians and that only in terms of power. Who gives a ....?