Well? Why aren't the problems solved yet?

Here's the dems big opportunity.

First they will force Bush to with draw the troops by cutting off funding. Once the troops withdraw the funding for iraq will also be stopped. Giving the iraqi government no way to fund its own defense and rebuilding. A civil war will break out which the shite's will win by sheer numbers. They will establish a shea run government under iranian influence. They will then invite iran to send troops in to help quell the last of the insergents and put down the kurds.

Weapons and troops will begin funneling into syria to support hibbola. Uprisings will begin in earnest in jordan and saudi and kwait with the eventual toppling of those governments. egypt and turkey will go down the same way. And the caliphate will be established.

You can watch it all slowly unfold over the next few years.
Well battleguy this seemed to be coming down to a mine is bigger than yours kind of argument, so I just decided to jump right to the end chapter ;)
6'4" ????
Yeah looks like the repubs will lose more seats than they did in 2004.
Perhaps next time the dems will have enough power to overcome the obstructionist repubs.