We're #3!!!!!!!!!

Damn !

I knew Nevada would be high on the list of depressed people.

People move here from all over and its never what they think it will be. That and gambling problems.
Only because...........



I told you guys Hawaii was pretty similary to Jersey. But you laughed. We trail only Hawaii and South Dakota for the least Depressed state in the nation. :clink:

Hawaii...exports 'wowee Maui' to NJ and South Dakota...y'all are too buzzed to get depressed...however when the high ends the depression always returns...:cof1:
Did it not occur to you that is why beefy moved to Hawaii...he can pick it for free back in the jungle...and I must say he does appear to be a 'Happy Camper' as of late..........;)
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Damn !

I knew Nevada would be high on the list of depressed people.

People move here from all over and its never what they think it will be. That and gambling problems.

You mean, its no "Jersey" ;)

I think Jersey has the opposite effect. People move here thinking its going to suck and basically be one step above Bagdad (outside the Parisianesque Green Zone) and are pleasantly suprised that its not a complete $hit hole.
The depressed.............of Nevada

Damn !

I knew Nevada would be high on the list of depressed people.

People move here from all over and its never what they think it will be. That and gambling problems.

are located in Las Vegas...Californias smoking zone...now up North we are 'Happy Campers':)
Yeee haaaa!

Hawaii...exports 'wowee Maui' to NJ and South Dakota...y'all are too buzzed to get depressed...however when the high ends the depression always returns...:cof1:
Did it not occur to you that is why beefy moved to Hawaii...he can pick it for free back in the jungle...and I must say he does appear to be a 'Happy Camper' as of late..........;)

Did I ever tell you that the monkey at the zoo in San Diego is named Todd which is the same name of the actor that played Red Foxx in the Bio about his life. Man that was a great show, when we watched it............:clink: we had a Corona in one hand and a lime in anothere, there were several rotten limes in that batch I bought the other day from the supermarket Across from the Mall. I like that mall because their GAP gives you discounts on Thursdays which is the same day that the seniors get a discount at the movie there where we saw Saw 4. Man oh man........good times.
Interesting to note that Utah the state witht he highest prescription drug abuse are lowest on the list. KY and WVA as well.
I think KY is #2 on presc drug abuse.
Interesting to note that Utah the state witht he highest prescription drug abuse are lowest on the list. KY and WVA as well.
I think KY is #2 on presc drug abuse.

I wonder if they compile the list by use of anti-depressants?

that sure puts clarification on the question...now that your meds have kicked in and you admitted that you were a Demo Party Hack...should you not flip flop and go with RP and Beefy rather than darla...after all Beefy has a great In in Hawaii...maybe you can do some interstate commerce......vote Libertarian...Edwards will arrest you!


I told you guys Hawaii was pretty similary to Jersey. But you laughed. We trail only Hawaii and South Dakota for the least Depressed state in the nation. :clink:

At least Mississippi isn't last.

Alaska's last, obviously. Mainly it's because there are much more men than women (although women are more likely to attempt suicide, these are usually just cries for attention, but whenever men try to kill themselves, they almost always complete the act), and the dayless winter months would drive anybody crazy.
Did I ever tell you that the monkey at the zoo in San Diego is named Todd which is the same name of the actor that played Red Foxx in the Bio about his life. Man that was a great show, when we watched it............:clink: we had a Corona in one hand and a lime in anothere, there were several rotten limes in that batch I bought the other day from the supermarket Across from the Mall. I like that mall because their GAP gives you discounts on Thursdays which is the same day that the seniors get a discount at the movie there where we saw Saw 4. Man oh man........good times.

Now that is a good example of stoned rambling if I ever saw some.
At least Mississippi isn't last.
Alaska's last, obviously. Mainly it's because there are much more men than women (although women are more likely to attempt suicide, these are usually just cries for attention, but whenever men try to kill themselves, they almost always complete the act), and the dayless winter months would drive anybody crazy.

I was suprised.
Ray Maybus won on a platform of making sure Mississippi was never last again. 4 years later, he was defeated by an old fart who hates Jews and promised not to raise taxes.