A few pesos and I own the "authorities" down there. They'll help me dispose of your fat body. LOLMexico is a whole different ballgame... If that wierdo damnyankees ever shows up at my door, I will do the "halt...shoot shoot halt" routine, and by the time my pals, the local police show up, it will just be a matter of disposing of the body, cleaning up the blood, and having a shot of really good tequila to celebrate. Let's all hope he shows up!
Correction: this thread was deceivingly claiming that confederate soldiers were terrorists .. this thread wasn't about confederate soldiers per say.
Again, I have never expressed support for the Democrat Confederates. Are you so retarded you can't understand that?This post pretty well sums up the entire thread. The Confederate soldiers were terrorists, just like their modern day appologists.
Please... Come on down.... Take your best shot. My neighbors and I would love for you to pay us a visit. My guess: all blustEr and no real action on your part. No doubt, you are a powerfully tough guy behind your computer monitor... In the real world, not so much ,![]()
PM your address, tough guy. You already claim to know mine.
As if "the authorities" have much to say in MY neighborhood...but really, tough guy... Quit blabbing on about how you'd come to Mexico and slit my throat in the night... Just shut your piehole and TRY it. Otherwise, you should probably stFu, cuz you look like a nerd in his mom's basement about now.
I haven't a clue where you live, nor do I care to know. If you're Mister Internet Tough Guy, you surely can figure out where I live now... You were obsessive and diligent to figure out where I lived in Maine... Just replicate the process. Please.
You made it so easy before. "I'm a preacher." "Here's my shitty church." Not that it was me who outed you...
This is hilarious. Like an old shit like you could react before I walked in silently and I slit your throat.
well. I can imagine that breaking into the homes of confederate citizens and terrorizing the women and children therein was expressly prohibited by the union military leaders as well... that doesn't change the fact that, the mere fact that they did so, made them terrorists, right?
DY and Maineman, must I use the forced ignore feature?
Seriously... My home here in Mexico was designed to be an inpenetrable fortress... But if you ever show up at my door and attempt to enter, even in a feeble ineffective way, I will put one right between your eyes and empty the rest of the clip into your crotch... And with this very post, I will explain away my actions as self defense....my guess is my neighbors will be able to smooth things over fairly easily with the "authorities". Are you done with your internet tough guy talk, or are we gonna see some action. Your call, girlie man.