We're OUT of the Paris Climate Accord. Good Riddance.

BOTH are important . OUT of both. The U N too for that matter.
Not out of the UN. The UN is just a discussion forum. It's like demanding that the US get out of JPP. Communication is a good thing and it harms no one to let countries/people say whatever they want to say. What's important is that there is a communication vehicle for reaching agreements. Wasted bandwidth is otherwise irrelevant.
But why would anyone expect the Climate of the Earth to not be continuously changing?
No rational adult who thinks about it for a moment should believe that there is any such thing as a global climate.

Think about it. A climate is local conditions, and is subjective, i.e. the summer daytime climate of Phoenix is hot and arid. There are no numerical values in that assessment, no data, just subjective human experience. Planet earth has millions of climates.

You can't have a global-local anything; it's a contradiction in terms. How would you pretend to subjectively characterize the earth's climate, presuming you believe there is such a thing? Windy-Arctic-hot-humid-arid-stormy-calm-cloudy-cloudless-overcast-foggy-sunny-desert with lots of rain?

We have words in the language like "Ice Age", and "Drought", because the Climate is not, and never has been, Static.
No climate has changed one iota in my lifetime. How do you resolve that with your statement above?

A drought is not a change in climate; it's a lack of rain (weather). Do you know the difference between weather and climate?

The expectation of a Static Climate is a silly notion.
The notion of a global climate is silly.

The assumption that there are not large forces, outside of human activity, that have been pushed the climate in various directions, for Billions of Years, is Anthropomorphic-Hubris on a gigantic scale.
Going back to a climate being local conditions without any associated numerical values, there are no forces that can push any climate.

Of course there is climate change...

it would be freaky if there wasn't!
You can start making a case for it by providing an unambiguous definition of the global climate so we can then discuss its rumored changes.