you would have to actually find some facts to do that, fuckwit......
Poor Anchovies.
you would have to actually find some facts to do that, fuckwit......
Inflation is, arguably, the biggest problem facing the illegitimate, Fascist bungling Biden regime right now. And yet, when asked about it, bungling Biden offered word salad:
NBC NEWS’ LESTER HOLT: Inflation skyrocketing to 7.5 percent, a 40-year high. Prices still spiking on everything from used cars to gas to food. Inflation now costing the average American an extra 275 dollars a month compared to last year. I think it was back in July, you said inflation was going to be temporary. I think a lot of Americans are wondering what your definition of ‘temporary’ is.
BUNGLING BIDEN: Well, you’re being a wise guy with me a little bit. I understand that’s your job. But look — at the time what happened was the, uh . . . let’s look at the reason for the inflation. The reason for the inflation is the supply chains were cut off, meaning that the products, for example, automobiles, the lack of computer chips to be able to build those automobiles, so they could function, they need those computer chips. They were not available, so what happens? With the number of cars were reduced, the new cars reduced — it made up at one point one-third the cost of inflation, because the price of automobiles were up. So, what I did, when I went out and made sure we started to make those domestically. We got Intel to come in and provide 20 billion dollars to build a new facility. A number of organizations are doing the same kinds of things.
I wonder who the fuck cut off the supply chain??????? Brandon is a world class dunce
Of course you fail to mention the massive debt run up by the previous administration which we are also paying dearly for.
without a doubt. just repeat whatever the earpiece says
wonder who his imaginary Nobel laureates are ?
Whoever his handlers told him they were?
And the administration before that and the one before that...
The last administration, the one who promised to balance the budget and eliminate our debt ran up a largest national debt in American history, and in only four years.
Paul Krugman?Obama?
To be fair to Biden.
The Fed have MILES more to do with the high inflation rate than Biden does.
You don't run ZIRP and QE and raise your balance sheet by over $7 trillion in 13 years (like the Fed has).
And not have a gigantic amount to do with the inflation rate.
Blaming either Biden or Trump for this is WAY off the mark.
This is the Fed's responsibility.