Were Stand Your Ground Laws Used in this Case?

Sorry, read the jury instructions and research how and why they were altered. You don't know what you are talking about, as usual.

The jury instructions were not especially authored for this case...they are generic...standardized....for all cases to be considered if they apply.
The jury instructions were not especially authored for this case...they are generic...standardized....for all cases to be considered if they apply.

They were not authored for this case, that much is true. However, they are not given in all cases. They were chosen by the judge because they apply. They don't give the jurors every standard jury instruction and let them decide if they apply.
The jury instructions were not especially authored for this case...they are generic...standardized....for all cases to be considered if they apply.

No they weren't. They were written specifically for this case.

Don't you get anything right Bravo?
It's insane....so essentially all I have to do is deem that you are "suspicious", tail you even after you spot me and run away, then confront you, fight and kill you and claim "stand your ground"!

Funny, but NO ONE asked if Martin had the right to stand his ground when he realized that someone weirdo was tailing him to the point where he got out of his car.

That trial was lame....a civil suit should at least set things right, although I don't think the Justice Dept. can do much except put the heat on the prosecution, defense and the judge's instructions to the jury.