
Sweet Jesus, Mother of God!
Dude, it's Mardi Gras here. I have my son and step daughter here from Lafayette, and I have 5 of his friends from Tennessee camping out at an empty apartment. I'm also in Design-mode for these Shelves I'm going to build, PLUS, I'm still involved in this Ancestry thing that is taking up a large part of my BUSY SCHEDULE. I occasionally drop by JPP to talk about Current Events ... but invariably run into these Candy-Boys that have HUGE thread ban lists (like USV).

Nobody said the game would be this week.

On second thought don’t play. You aren’t smart enough and obviously don’t read.

Funny how you aren’t playing yet hanging out in this thread. Odd behavior.
Oh Boy. (sigh)
Look, Jade. I DIDN'T say her Cabin was ON the Arctic Circle, I said it was near the Arctic Circle. Do you understand the difference?
8 feet of fucking snow! You're basically at the North Pole with THAT.

(and what are you even talking about 'exaggerated'?)

She does it to you with cabin boy comments, and has made comments in response to you getting nc-17. It doesn't mean she does stuff, it means she's making a joke about something, or poking at a hater.

Buffalo New York got about 13 feet of snow a few years back. It's because the lake effect, that's caused by the lakes remaining warmer for longer. The frigid air crosses it, condenses, and dump and often dumps a shitoad. As for close to the Arctic circle, she's about as close to that as she is Nicaragua. She lives about 265 miles north of me.
Cool. Next time I'll use a slide ruler. (Didn't know you were going to nit-pik my post)

She is the forever whiner and nitpicker. I've never seen or heard anyone whine so much about their life and life in general.
anyone interested in getting another game going?

I'll be home next week, so can't do it before then

I'd also like to play this time, so I would need someone super elite to run it.

lets start an interest thread

current interest:

  • me

Totally random man but had this board flashback. I'm not sure if it was in '08 or '12 but you tried to start a werewolf game right around this same time (several months) before the election and Desh had a total meltdown about it. She thought it was the moderators of the board trying to divert from talking about the election (because I guess people can't play werewolf and post in other threads as well). It was classic.
Totally random man but had this board flashback. I'm not sure if it was in '08 or '12 but you tried to start a werewolf game right around this same time (several months) before the election and Desh had a total meltdown about it. She thought it was the moderators of the board trying to divert from talking about the election (because I guess people can't play werewolf and post in other threads as well). It was classic.

she truly was the queen of retards