‘We’ve all broken the Ten Commandments’: Evangelical Christians on why they’re still backing Trump

Which version of John is correct? The one with John 21 or the one without John 21?

There are about 5800 New Testament transcripts in existence. In those, there are about 300,000 textual variants. Which one is the inerrant one?
the one based on the most recently discovered correct translations
the one based on the most recently discovered correct translations
Which one is the correct translation? Does your god tell you which one is the inerrant one?

Is the version of John WITH the addition more correct than the one WITHOUT?

How about the birth stories? Or the resurrection stories? Which one in the inerrant word?

You still haven’t addressed the plural gods in Genesis. Why is that? Needing more time to google your “answers to Bible bullshit” source?
You didn’t give one. You couldn’t even answer yes or no to that simple question. The fact is, you really don’t know.
of course I did.....you claimed it was wrong, but YOU are the one who has never provided one.....obviously because you can't find one that's different......

‘We’ve all broken the Ten Commandments’: Evangelical Christians on why they’re still backing Trump​

‘I’m not voting for a pastor. I’m voting for someone that leads the country,’ conservative Christians tell Bel Trew at the Road to Majority conference in Washington, DC​

In the audience, attendees acknowledged that Trump has been criticised for breaking commandments; there are the accusations that he committed adultery with Stormy Daniels and others, as well as his felony convictions in New York. But no one is perfect, they said. “We’ve all broken the Ten Commandments, haven’t we? All of us need Jesus,” said Frank Collins, 69, a pastor who drove eight hours from Detroit with his 19-year-old son to hear the president speak.​

“We’re not looking for a perfect person, but we’re looking for a person who has a heart for the American people and a heart for God. This is the man of the day. This is the man of the hour. And we’re praying.”​

🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡

Maybe if you just throw yourself on the floor, pound your fists, stomp your fists, and scream that will keep you in power?

Nah, doesn't look like it's working...

of course I did.....you claimed it was wrong, but YOU are the one who has never provided one.....obviously because you can't find one that's different......

of course I did.....you claimed it was wrong, but YOU are the one who has never provided one.....obviously because you can't find one that's different......
^Doesn’t know a simple legal concept.
Can’t even respond to questions about his own holy book.

If ignorance is bliss, PHP is ecstatic.
why do you bother posting when you can't provide a link to a different definition of perjury than the one's we've provided you?.....
^Doesn’t even know a simple legal term. Can’t answer a simple yes or no question.

Avoids any controversy or questions on his own holy book.

Biggest weasel on the forum.
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I know what it is.
but you can't remember where you put it.......did you check the pockets of your pants in the laundry?......why don't you just Google it again......surely you can find at least one that's different from the ones we've provided......unless, as expected, there AREN'T any different from those we've provided......