APP - Whackos are still alive and well.

Why hasn't some enterprising company produced what every right-thinking consumer is looking for - a soft drink which does not pander to the politically correct pro-homosexuality lobby?

Come on drinks manufacturers. What are you waiting for? We want an anti-queer cola and we want it now.

When conservatives boycott a product its racist, when liberals do it, its called social justice. The Whole Foods boycott liberals pushed for after the CEO wrote an opinion piece in the WSJ about Obamacare got liberals panties in a bunch comes to mind as a silly example.

When conservatives boycott a product its racist, when liberals do it, its called social justice. The Whole Foods boycott liberals pushed for after the CEO wrote an opinion piece in the WSJ about Obamacare got liberals panties in a bunch comes to mind as a silly example.

I dont know the facts of what you are talking about but Ill bet it was not about equal oppertunity for those who are discriminated against due to sexual preference.
I dont know the facts of what you are talking about but Ill bet it was not about equal oppertunity for those who are discriminated against due to sexual preference.

And those who disagree with homosexual marriage have every right to not buy products from companies that donate large sums of money to help the gay marriage proposals go thru.

Those who agree with gay marriage should support the companies that donate these dollars.

The idea that one protest or boycott is legitimate and the other is nothing but whackos is simply bigotry.
And those who disagree with homosexual marriage have every right to not buy products from companies that donate large sums of money to help the gay marriage proposals go thru.

Those who agree with gay marriage should support the companies that donate these dollars.

The idea that one protest or boycott is legitimate and the other is nothing but whackos is simply bigotry.

I never said they did not have such a right.
Why hasn't some enterprising company produced what every right-thinking consumer is looking for - a soft drink which does not pander to the politically correct pro-homosexuality lobby?

Come on drinks manufacturers. What are you waiting for? We want an anti-queer cola and we want it now.
Have a coke and a smile!

When conservatives boycott a product its racist, when liberals do it, its called social justice. The Whole Foods boycott liberals pushed for after the CEO wrote an opinion piece in the WSJ about Obamacare got liberals panties in a bunch comes to mind as a silly example.
Oddly enough the Whole Foods in Parker seems to be doing a rather good business for the midst of a boycott.
Remember the "Up yours!" commercials?

Those were hilarious. I was amazed that they pulled it off the first time I saw one.

I used to like to drink 7&7s, but I had trouble finding 7UP for a while, so I gave them up.
Personally, i'm a '7 UP' kind of guy.

My grandfather should, by rights, have been a millionaire. He invented One Up, but it failed to catch on, so he added a secret ingredient and called it 2 UP. Again failure. Not to be out done he went on to invent 3 UP, 4 UP and 5 UP. Each a dismal failure. When 6 UP failed he gave up!
So close!
My grandfather should, by rights, have been a millionaire. He invented One Up, but it failed to catch on, so he added a secret ingredient and called it 2 UP. Again failure. Not to be out done he went on to invent 3 UP, 4 UP and 5 UP. Each a dismal failure. When 6 UP failed he gave up!
So close!
It just goes to show you, that if at first you don't succeed, face it, your a loser.