what all the "keep the mexicans OUT" policy has done



A far-reaching bill passed by the Democratic-led Senate in June calls for an additional 20,000 Border Patrol agents, 700 miles of fencing and high-tech detection devices.

San Diego's former Mayor Bob Filner, a Democrat, made that a hallmark of his term, before he resigned amid sexual harassment allegations.


Ranchers, deputies and lawmakers from states along the U.S.-Mexico border have long pleaded for federal help, saying their areas were overrun by people entering the country illegally and armed smugglers.

But today there is growing opposition along the nearly 2,000-mile boundary to more agents and fences.

The Border Mayors Association says hours-long waits at crossings have cost the region billions by deterring Mexican shoppers and delaying U.S. shipments.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/09/0...l+(Internal+-+US+Latest+-+Text)#ixzz2eDPyyAHI

Yes. We need more illegals to show that laws in this country are for fun. We also need more war based on suspicion............

I'm trying to figure the Left out on this one. They use to claim that they were against illegal immigration but never really took a stance to stop it. Today they are changing what they are saying and are starting to say "Our country is full of immigrants" as if killing the Indians was ok. I agreed with the Dream Act because Republicans weren't trying to stop immigrants either, they only stated they want to. Everyone knows the Right wants to keep them for cheap labor.

The only answer here is the one less talked about. I heard on Fox News that it takes up to 40 minutes to verify American citizenship if an illegal is pulled over. So imagine you are the person that went to a buddies house and didn't bring the wallet with your drivers license. You are pulled over on the way home and you have no verification of license/citizenship. You sit there for 40 minutes when you did nothing wrong.

The fix to this and the voter ID system can only be fixed through taxation, the very thing Right Wingers hate. I think they either need to shut up about it or propose a system that will ensure all true Americans have a right to vote and to ensure no true Americans will be stuck by a cop for 40 minutes because of their race.

Note that we both just quoted Fox News....we should know better and I'll bet it could be proven wrong with a simple stroke of the keyboards....oh well.
Of course it's right wing. If I relied on left wing sites for information, I'd have to slam my head against the wall until I lost 50 IQ points, register as a democrat, buy an electric car and stop believing in God. On the plus side, I could just go through life ignorant of the presence of 12 million undocumented democrats in my country illegally, that the economy was going just gangbusters, and believing in rainbow-farting flying unicorns.

You have never followed a Left Wing site/media. Admit it. Nearly no Right Wingers have. Most of you don't know what the Left wing is all about because you don't. You listen to one side and think that "Obama is spending this country into the ground with his cell phones and bailouts and wars. He wants to because he is Muslim" (R)ight?

I know you won't but if you want to learn Left wing start watching the Daily Show on CC. If you want to know what you sound like then start watching the Colbert Report. I don't trust any other Left wing media. My right wing media, sadly, I get from Fox.......Even Right Wingers say Fox News is ignorant bias corporate hugging nonsense.......but they state it's their only media. You know why? Because it's entertaining bs! If it was actually Conservative media the same thing would be repeated all day long. "Nope, the Federal Government shouldn't do that. It should be a State focus."
You have never followed a Left Wing site/media. Admit it. Nearly no Right Wingers have. Most of you don't know what the Left wing is all about because you don't. You listen to one side and think that "Obama is spending this country into the ground with his cell phones and bailouts and wars. He wants to because he is Muslim" (R)ight?

I know you won't but if you want to learn Left wing start watching the Daily Show on CC. If you want to know what you sound like then start watching the Colbert Report. I don't trust any other Left wing media. My right wing media, sadly, I get from Fox.......Even Right Wingers say Fox News is ignorant bias corporate hugging nonsense.......but they state it's their only media. You know why? Because it's entertaining bs! If it was actually Conservative media the same thing would be repeated all day long. "Nope, the Federal Government shouldn't do that. It should be a State focus."
Nothing to "admit" for the most part. If a lefty posts a link here, I'll follow it if I'm interested if only to confirm it's leftist bull, and I have the communist manifesto bookmarked(can't get much more leftist than that!). I've been following politics pretty closely since the Reagan era, believe me, I understand the left and what they stand for. More importantly, I understand the monster they have morphed into. I watch comedy central for comedy, I get my news wherever(but usually fox)and I prefer my commentary on the conservative side, it jives with what I see on main street in this place called reality.