Of course you say that; you are HATER who is creating a virtue-signaling opportunity. You might not have any redeeming qualities but you can insist that you are virtuous.
Just like Hitler? Well, look how virtuous you are.
In all that time, they didn't teach you to capitalize "He" and "Him" when referring to God or Jesus?
Wow! You are virtuous! You are radiating virtuosity per Stefan-Boltzmann! Not even greenhouse gas can slow your light!
In all that time, they didn't teach you that "loves," "hate" and "hymnals" are not capitalized? Oh well, you're virtuous and that's all that matters.
I can't think of a single post or thread on JPP of which you couldn't have virtue-signaled in exactly this way. You offer fewer specifics than AProudLefty. Your rant is not relevant in any way to anything written.
Yet you thank guno for each and every HATE thread he creates and every HATE post he writes. You didn't think anyone would notice, did you? You are a HATER to the bone. I feel sorry for anyone who falls for your empty virtue-signaling.