What are the Lefty Wack Jobs goin' to do WHEN the Hillbag looses ?? Guessing Game ..

wtf are you talking about asshole

I suspect he thinks (reacts not really thinking) that Hillary is running again. Or the idiot is still litigating the electoral college which is a throwback to slavery days. What is wrong with rightys? We know they hate democracy, preferring a government of the few, instaed of the majority. But why do they brag about that?
I suspect he thinks (reacts not really thinking) that Hillary is running again. Or the idiot is still litigating the electoral college which is a throwback to slavery days. What is wrong with rightys? We know they hate democracy, preferring a government of the few, instaed of the majority. But why do they brag about that?

sometimes they forget that they are Russian pretending to be Americans and just act like russians