What are the odds of Trump being Impeached? Well...


Verified User
In Washington D.C., Laws, Logic and Terminology work a bit differently than in the real world.

1] AGW is Established, proven science, the debate is over.... Translation: There's nothing scientific about it, the evidence is faked, and the debate is just beginning.

2] There were Draconian Cuts to the... Translation: The amount in the budget increased, just not as much as the silly amount demanded.

3] The Right to Choose... Translation: You get to kill an innocent baby for convience.

4] White Privilege means.... Translation: Being born a White-Male places you last on the list and at a significant disadvantage for just about everything that counts.

So, after 8 years of Obama committing 100s of acts which actually warranted impeachment and removal from office, and nothing was ever done...

It makes a perverse kind of Washington D.C. sense that 5 weeks into the new Trump Administration, when the President has done nothing warranting even Congressional Censure, much less Impeachment...

I guess it is probably likely under the rules, logic and perverse nature of Washington D.C. that Trump is actually going to be impeached.

What's your best guess?

In Washington D.C., Laws, Logic and Terminology work a bit differently than in the real world.

,,,, So, after 8 years of Obama committing 100s of acts which actually warranted impeachment and removal from office, and nothing was ever done...


Source or sources and acts, please. thanks
He may just resign...

How have your predictions worked so far shit-for-brains? Good lord, only a retard like you can believe that anyone cares what you predict or say given your propensity for being completely wrong and looking like a retard.

I really hope Trump is not removed from office. Pence scares me much more because he would be effective. Trump is being managed quite nicely so far.
I really hope Trump is not removed from office. Pence scares me much more because he would be effective. Trump is being managed quite nicely so far.

An opposing jackass causes you to tremble in your loafers

I'd get help for that "beastly" fetish you have.

Trump's impeachment is a given.
The real question is whether Pence goes first.

Shades of Nixon / Agnew?
It took the republicon party to give us a situation where we had a president and a vice president, that had never faced a national election, in office at the same time... Ford / Rockefeller
I suppose it could happen again.
Did Pence take any bribes as Governor?
If the Democrat's national media can't get him impeached, they'll just have their CIA and or their FBI assassinate him.

The dumb bastard could be retired to his golf course community in Florida climbing in bed every night with that living doll he's married to. Proof positive that he's fucking insane.
If the Democrat's national media can't get him impeached, they'll just have their CIA and or their FBI assassinate him.

The dumb bastard could be retired to his golf course community in Florida climbing in bed every night with that living doll he's married to. Proof positive that he's fucking insane.

She is his whore who sleeps with him as little as possible, and yes he is quite insane...
Poor Bobo
She is his whore who sleeps with him as little as possible, and yes he is quite insane...
Poor Bobo

You're just a jealous little commie, commie. A woman like that wouldn't give your commie ass the time of day.

He's insane alright! He might just be insane enough to rid the country of the ObamaCare train wreck, bring back a few trillion $ that BIG duopoly government has sent abroad, trash thousands of leftist regulations instituted by un-elected tree huggers and round up a few million felons and send them back south of the border, and actually put another originalist, literalist constitutionalist on the Court, before y'all leftist commies have him impeached or assassinated.
In Washington D.C., Laws, Logic and Terminology work a bit differently than in the real world.

1] AGW is Established, proven science, the debate is over.... Translation: There's nothing scientific about it, the evidence is faked, and the debate is just beginning.

2] There were Draconian Cuts to the... Translation: The amount in the budget increased, just not as much as the silly amount demanded.

3] The Right to Choose... Translation: You get to kill an innocent baby for convience.

4] White Privilege means.... Translation: Being born a White-Male places you last on the list and at a significant disadvantage for just about everything that counts.

So, after 8 years of Obama committing 100s of acts which actually warranted impeachment and removal from office, and nothing was ever done...

It makes a perverse kind of Washington D.C. sense that 5 weeks into the new Trump Administration, when the President has done nothing warranting even Congressional Censure, much less Impeachment...

I guess it is probably likely under the rules, logic and perverse nature of Washington D.C. that Trump is actually going to be impeached.

What's your best guess?


Idiotic OP to an idiotic thread.
You're just a jealous little commie, commie. A woman like that wouldn't give your commie ass the time of day.

He's insane alright! He might just be insane enough to rid the country of the ObamaCare train wreck, bring back a few trillion $ that BIG duopoly government has sent abroad, trash thousands of leftist regulations instituted by un-elected tree huggers and round up a few million felons and send them back south of the border, and actually put another originalist, literalist constitutionalist on the Court, before y'all leftist commies have him impeached or assassinated.

What a gizz guzzler ^^^.