What are the odds of Trump being Impeached? Well...

Shades of Nixon / Agnew?
It took the republicon party to give us a situation where we had a president and a vice president, that had never faced a national election, in office at the same time... Ford / Rockefeller
I suppose it could happen again.
Did Pence take any bribes as Governor?

You define stupid on steroids. What is stunning to watch is that even after all your asinine and stupid predictions have been proven wrong, you keep doubling down on stupid.

You are the definition of a retard; when you keep doing what you always have done, expecting different results. :rofl2:
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If the Democrat's national media can't get him impeached, they'll just have their CIA and or their FBI assassinate him.

The dumb bastard could be retired to his golf course community in Florida climbing in bed every night with that living doll he's married to. Proof positive that he's fucking insane.

Yes; he could have it very easy. But what you fail to comprehend is that he actually thinks he can help America and do something about it. Is he the most articulate to sit in the Oval Office? Hell no. But is he the idiot the morons on the lying left try to portray him as; not even close.
How have your predictions worked so far shit-for-brains? Good lord, only a retard like you can believe that anyone cares what you predict or say given your propensity for being completely wrong and looking like a retard.

Nostradumbcunt seems to have an endless propensity to predict shit, let him carry on and give him even more rope!

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To piss off snowflakes, bottom feeders and racists