What are you all doing this weekend...

I had loosly planned to take the GC to Kings Island. But they appeared to have other plans, and I don't use such things a leverage. Oh well we will go play some other time.
It rained steadily for four days! No thunder, no high winds, just steady rain. Given that we haven't had any significant rainfall all year, this wasn't unwelcome, and that it wasn't violent actually helped the crops. (no hail to destroy the plants, etc.)

What that meant for us, of course, was that all the outdoor activities planned had to be shelved. I did go to my friend's garden center and picked up some new plants, but had to leave most of the other outdoor stuff 'til next weekend. Played with the dogs, worked some on our Humane Society Dog Fun Run logo, read a couple of books, did some more work on designing our interior renovations but stopped short of starting a mess that couldn't be finished before today. All in all it was a pleasant, restful weekend.
This was a banner weekend for moi.

By Friday night at 10:30, I had already turned two hetero women over at TGIF’s. I wore my “Multiple O’s, Ask Me How” t-shirt, and to tell you the truth, if I had had the energy for it, I could have turned two more. But alas, I had to awaken early Saturday, for a busy day.

I was at the pharmacy by 8am, stalking the early pregnancy test aisle. Whenever a girl came in to buy a test, I bombarded her with pamphlets entitled “Save The World, Have An Abortion...Or Two!”

At noon I had my “Men: How We’ll Breed Them Out of the Gene Pool by 2015” seminar, followed by a march on the Gillette headquarters at 6. We dumped all over our razors on company property, and, one of us more hairy-legged than the next, ran around singing “who wears short shorts”, while actually wearing, short shorts.

Monday was the big day of course. We gathered to leaflet Wal-mart (union materials for the uninitiated) and when one of us was arrested, the word went out. 20 thousand femni-nazis, commies, Islamofacists (yeah, we hang), and Michael Moore, all converged on this one Wal-mart. They had to close. We were so giddy over having put 500 people out of work (and good jobs too!).

But perhaps all of this pales in comparison to tomorrow’s plans. The first day of school. We have amassed no less than 50,000 condoms which we will be passing out to 5th graders, along with instructions, tips and the advice “might as well as start now, you don’t want it to atrophy”.
for some reason Jessica got a bug up her butt and sunday afternoon we headed for wisconson dells. rained all day, all night and most of the next day. this weekend im working on call til next friday.