What are you Plans for the Weekend?

PARTY hard tonight and Saturday! Closing on 1/2 of my investment property this afternoon.
Sunday , visits at the VA Hospital.
Catch up on the recycling.
Read The Assault on Reason.
Watch a couple of movies.
Wash the car.
Scrub the kitchen floor.
Sacrifice a chicken to the great fire god Webber.
Graduation party and dinner with friends

Sounds fun! I plan on doing a lot of writing on something I'm working on, and also setting up a website for my friend's group. Kind of boring, though tonight I'm going out for dinner.
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The big local animal festival is this weekend. Our dog obedience club is participating with demonstrations in obedience, agility, and a "meet the breeds" program. I'll be there tomorrow with my Border Collie youngster (10 mos. on Sunday).

Finish the paint job I started, set up some Agility stuff in the yard, get going on some pending projects, etc.
Oceans 13
More Tennis
Sod the spilled crawfish boil section of the back yard that needs fixin
Tennis with the wife

That should be some magic.

Don't take him to anyplace they know you at Damo!

This from the gal who wants to kick guys B**** or cook em' on the bbq...leave me outta your fantasy darla...I have left ya alone in your own misery..no free beer for you...try San Francisco!