What are you Plans for the Weekend?

cookout this evening. go to the coast with my wife saturday morning. dinner with friends on saturday night. golf with my sons on father's day.
Orland River Day, on saturday, the town festival celebrating the river, at the mouth of Penobscot bay, all different age groups compete with rudimentary, home made rafts, to race across the river! hahaha! Oh boy, life is sooooo simple here in maine! lol

i am on vacation every single day in this new cottage!

i just love it!

and i love all my new animal friends!!!

(I met mr. baby beaver, just the other day at our pond crawling on top of some tall marsh grass, and mr. snowshoe hare rabbit has been coming around for 3 weeks, so have mr. and mrs. wild turkey with their youngun! mr and mrs mallord duck have moved on now that their ducklings are bigger! mr and mrs bald eagle and their younguns fly over every day, several times a day and so does mr great blue heron now that summer is here!)

to many this is boring, to matt and me, we feel blessed to be able to leisurely experience this beauty!

I am going to get out!

Feeling good today and the weather here is beautiful!

More yard work to do.

May go to the Downtown Farmers Market!

Happy Fathers Day to ALL!
Graduation party today, Saturday. Tomorrow over to my bros for smoked Turkey and Ham for Father's Day.
I am a bad boy....

Yesterday went to the lake...borrowed my old boat from a teacher of my Gd's whom I sold it to last summer...also took 'Big Red' along for the ride...used alot of gas...contributed to Green House gases...today I'm just going to bbq with the kids...I'm pooped...opp's more global warming effects from the charcoal...bad boy-bad boy...hope y'all have a great holiday too!:clink:
Orland River Day, on saturday, the town festival celebrating the river, at the mouth of Penobscot bay, all different age groups compete with rudimentary, home made rafts, to race across the river! hahaha! Oh boy, life is sooooo simple here in maine! lol

i am on vacation every single day in this new cottage!

i just love it!

and i love all my new animal friends!!!

(I met mr. baby beaver, just the other day at our pond crawling on top of some tall marsh grass, and mr. snowshoe hare rabbit has been coming around for 3 weeks, so have mr. and mrs. wild turkey with their youngun! mr and mrs mallord duck have moved on now that their ducklings are bigger! mr and mrs bald eagle and their younguns fly over every day, several times a day and so does mr great blue heron now that summer is here!)

to many this is boring, to matt and me, we feel blessed to be able to leisurely experience this beauty!


Boring? Never! Sounds like heaven to me!!! :)
Orland River Day, on saturday, the town festival celebrating the river, at the mouth of Penobscot bay, all different age groups compete with rudimentary, home made rafts, to race across the river! hahaha! Oh boy, life is sooooo simple here in maine! lol

i am on vacation every single day in this new cottage!

i just love it!

and i love all my new animal friends!!!

(I met mr. baby beaver, just the other day at our pond crawling on top of some tall marsh grass, and mr. snowshoe hare rabbit has been coming around for 3 weeks, so have mr. and mrs. wild turkey with their youngun! mr and mrs mallord duck have moved on now that their ducklings are bigger! mr and mrs bald eagle and their younguns fly over every day, several times a day and so does mr great blue heron now that summer is here!)

to many this is boring, to matt and me, we feel blessed to be able to leisurely experience this beauty!


You're losing your sanity Care ;). Lovely.

Except when a hurricane blows through to knock 'em all over, that is. Then you have to pick all the "sticks" up, which usually takes about two weeks of straight work.
Not too many hurricanes make it that far north. I grew up in that area; it's idyllic. The only thing I remember that I'd want to avoid in summer is those nasty horseflies. They hurt! Oh, and black flies in July.
Not too many hurricanes make it that far north. I grew up in that area; it's idyllic. The only thing I remember that I'd want to avoid in summer is those nasty horseflies. They hurt! Oh, and black flies in July.

May flies, only they got here in June, well late may, early June....and i must be alergic to them?

they just showed up, i was unprepared, doing alot of yard work, clearing out brush, and the next thing i knew i had at least 15 big red welts, that oozed something clear at the head. And they itched so badly, 3 weeks later, scarred from the scabs, they still itch.

Man oh man, i wish i was warned! everyone kept talking about black fly season or may flies but gees, they bite, and bite nastily, and no one mentioned that!

i go out fully armoured now, real early morning till about noon, when it is still cool, with long pants, long sleeve shirt, socks, hat and sprayed from head to toe with Off's Deep Woods Bug spray....

and even then, if working clearing the brush or my hidden garden that i found on the property (that is overgrown with weeds but with soil underneath, almost like black, rich compost and 24 inches deep), I am still paranoid of those little black, flying, suckers! They are vicious!

i'll take mosquitos, any day! lol

I love it here! Yes, thorn, we are heading over to Nova Scotia within the next month, i will take pictures and post them, and add to your ''homesickness''!:clink:
ok, this was a festival this past weekend, (Bridge FEST)celebrating a new bridge crossing the penobscot bay.... my hubby was paid by the chamber of commerce to sing at the foot of the observatory....scroll down on link pictures, the guy with the guitar on the granite bench in striped shirt is him! :D

the pictures of the river and bay and bridge and fireworks etc are great too! (i love the way they always include local indians on these type of celebrations in new england! hmmmmm, they must feel really guilty on how they treated them?) :(



i see this bridge at a 4 mile distance driving down the main road in front of our property, it is gorgeous sight, at night!

Looks like a really quaint town! :)

I didn't see anyone driving with their middle fingers out the window. Strange.
Looks like a really quaint town! :)

I didn't see anyone driving with their middle fingers out the window. Strange.

hehehe.... i can remember when i moved to south jersey from brooklyn, ny i was surprised at how little people used the ''finger'' compared to the New York City region.... i thought the ''meaning of the finger was everyone's middle name in the halls of high school in brooklyn!


every town up here is like this...steepled, 200+ yr old churches, clock towers in old municiple buildings or town halls... it is quaint, i honestly think we somehow, traveled back in time after living the faster pace of the Massachusetts/Boston/Tampa/Miami/Brooklyn life... :D and i am thanking God for every minute of this time warp! Even, the dial up only situation...it has brought matt and me even closer because we are not tied to separaTE Net connections all day and night....we get outside in nature more, where we talk more....mostly about our dreams for our new house and yard and future gardens, and matt's career....

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hehehe.... i can remember when i moved to south jersey from brooklyn, ny i was surprised at how little people used the ''finger'' compared to the New York City region.... i thought the ''meaning of the finger was everyone's middle name in the halls of high school in brooklyn!


every town up here is like this...steepled, 200+ yr old churches, clock towers in old municiple buildings or town halls... it is quaint, i honestly think we somehow, traveled back in time after living the faster pace of the Massachusetts/Boston/Tampa/Miami/Brooklyn life... :D and i am thanking God for every minute of this time warp! Even, the dial up only situation...it has brought matt and me even closer because we are not tied to separaTE Net connections all day and night....we get outside in nature more, where we talk more....mostly about our dreams for our new house and yard and future gardens, and matt's career....


It does sound very nice I must say. Although there are times I wish my boyfriend and I would throw out our internet connection. It really does tie you up. Even worse than TV.