Yes, I go through phases where I avoid the news which isn't hard to do.. Tomorrow something will happen & all the YUGE trauma today will not be discussed & by the end of the week mostly forgotten..I have reached the point in life where I do not want to clutter up my brain with the day-to-day minutia of the 24 hour news cycle, the current score on the political horse race, nor do I think it even matters that much.
I pretty much can get as much as I need about the day-to-day horse race just through osmosis. On a sidebar, I do think it is important to not just rely on domestic American sources of information.
The only print media I read on a regular basis are National Geographic and Smithsonian. I believe one could actually lead a well-lived life just consistently reading those two.
I have consciously shifted my mind from the ephemeral and temporal, towards the philosophical and all-encompassing. I am interested in absorbing information about racism. Social justice. Economic justice. Temperance versus retribution and vengeance. Democracy versus oligarchy. Capitalism versus democratic socialism. How is a well-ordered, virtuous society constructed, and what it the best form of government – aka, questions in the intellectual traditions of Confucius and Plato.
To that end, I spend considerable time with books, novellas, and other medium of scholarly knowledge. But I try to leave plenty of time for comic books and cartoons as well!
I have several rss feeds on the cover page of my email & @ a quick glance can have several options~or not........
I have taken several months off & then come back on & off as interest & life events allow.. But even after away from the news/message boards etc for months when you return it is pretty much the same stuff.....
Same ppl fighting w/ the same ppl, same fools trolling etc etc etc......