What are your thoughts on ET Ufo's.


Well-known member
Try and keep it serious if possible. Not a joke thread. Just interested in seeing what others thoughts are on the subject.
Try and keep it serious if possible. Not a joke thread. Just interested in seeing what others thoughts are on the subject.

They exist I believe. I've seen a triangular UFO. That doesn't prove anything but it's hard to believe that the military would have that kind of technology in the 80's.
They exist I believe. I've seen a triangular UFO. That doesn't prove anything but it's hard to believe that the military would have that kind of technology in the 80's.

I wont go into detail in this post yet,...but I do in fact believe that a portion of the sightings arent just tricks of light or something explainable like experimental craft. Having said all that......they are not from other planets.;)
A small portion of the close encounters are not just made up stories either but are in fact happening. But as posted earlier.......they are not coming from other planets.
I wont go into detail in this post yet,...but I do in fact believe that a portion of the sightings arent just tricks of light or something explainable like experimental craft. Having said all that......they are not from other planets.;)

This one wasn't a trick of light or something explainable.
They exist I believe. I've seen a triangular UFO. That doesn't prove anything but it's hard to believe that the military would have that kind of technology in the 80's.

Stealth aircraft had been in the works since the '70s and its first actual military use was 89
Stealth aircraft had been in the works since the '70s and its first actual military use was 89

Of course. That is in no way shape or form what we are talking about though. As I said,...IMO, well, wont even say opinion because its more than just that,....just saying the cases I am talking about are NOT coming from anywhere else nor are they Earthly.
This one was slow, silent and low.

First time for me that I am positive happened and not a dream or anything happened when I was 12. 2 fairly low flying objects, silent,...unremarkable in that they just look like a star, a light, that was lower flying, maybe like at the height of a small cesna flies. One came from one direction, the other the opposite direction, they each flew in slow. Got right over the top of where myself and my friend were standing and just stopped, stationed fairly close together...just hung there in mid air maybe 15-20 minutes. NO,...NOT helicopters...LOL. Then....they simply left again in the same directions they came from,...slowly. Did the same the next night and the night after,... then that was it. Never saw again.
Its only reasonable to think that we are not the only beings in the universe.
So, if there are others, why wouldnt they wonder themselves if there are other beings out there ?
And if they are clever enough, devising a means of travel is realistic.

So could that mean that they have already made it here and are checking us out ?
Sure, why not ? A bit of caution is reasonable unless they happen to be bloodthirsty so it could take some time before they are comfortable enough to attempt contact. Its a long way to come only to get shot by a gangbanger looking to steal a Rolex or whatever. Heck they might happen to look like a Rolex or a Louis Vitton handbag or even....

Here is what I will say on it. That first time, that was the ONLY time I know for sure that it was a real event. I may have seen other lights or I may not have at different times,...could be just a dream. But that one...THAT was real. Was just talking about it with my friend about a year ago. Anyway.....that first time led to some pretty traumatic things in my young life that lasted until I was 27 years old. Scary things. Re occurring nightmares that you arent sure if they are nightmares or real. Same one over and over and over. laying in bed sleeping and then I turn over and see the outline of a figure standing next to my bed,can never see the face, just the outline of the figure, never moves, never says a thing, never does a thing, just looking at me intensely and doing nothing else, you can almost feel the evil coming from it...then wake up screaming not knowing if it happened or not. Creeping me out even typing this. Other things happened too. The sleep walking,...waking up in different spots, ect ect.

Then I got baptized at 27 years old. Had one small episode a few months later and did what I had learned to do....I commanded it away In Jesus name. Gone...the end. Never to be back. These things are not aliens from other planets as people think of them,....they LOVE to be thought of that way Im sure as it is a lie, instead what they are is much much worse and have been here about from the beginning. Think what you will,....but what I have told you is all true. You know who has a ton of experience with this? Azzhat Zombie. Should ask him about it some time. He's a pretty good guy too,...nice guy.
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Not what I am talking about.

I know what you are talking about.

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." - Ephesians 6:12