What are your thoughts on ET Ufo's.

I dont know what to make of the reports and I dont expect to know before I die. If we were discovered by higher order life forms I dont assume that they would wish us well.
I know what you are talking about.

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." - Ephesians 6:12


Oh, check your pms.
aliens have been looking for intelligent life in the universe for millions of years........they keep checking earth despite previous repeated disappointments......
They are real.

I agree. I just think they are something else and not beings from another world. They have been corrupting man from the beginning. Oh,...and they loved them some Human women who bore them offspring!
Klaatu barada nikto.

OKay Ash.

I agree. I just think they are something else and not beings from another world. They have been corrupting man from the beginning. Oh,...and they loved them some Human women who bore them offspring!

Yep That's the story of the Nephilim across the world.
Try and keep it serious if possible. Not a joke thread. Just interested in seeing what others thoughts are on the subject.

My son says he thinks Aliens seeded the Planet. After thinking about it, I can't prove him wrong.:dunno:
Try and keep it serious if possible. Not a joke thread. Just interested in seeing what others thoughts are on the subject.

i think they're beings from another place or dimension and have a range of intentions for humanity.

they are spiritual too, like all beings.

pray to jesus for help with a problematic alien (demon).
Try and keep it serious if possible. Not a joke thread. Just interested in seeing what others thoughts are on the subject.

If they are here, why haven't they done something? Why is every image of one so out of focus you can't make out any detail? Conventional interstellar travel is impractical so they would have to have some way to get around having to spend centuries to go 4 light years. And if they are asleep for the journey, what's the point of that? No, none of it makes sense. However, something this mind boggling if it's true wouldn't make sense at first.
If they are here, why haven't they done something? Why is every image of one so out of focus you can't make out any detail? Conventional interstellar travel is impractical so they would have to have some way to get around having to spend centuries to go 4 light years. And if they are asleep for the journey, what's the point of that? No, none of it makes sense. However, something this mind boggling if it's true wouldn't make sense at first.
