What Blue Dogs need to remember

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No. I have the option of running a loyal Democrat in the primary and defeating the Republican in the general.

Well yes you do. But if you choose to live in the real world there are certain political realities of each district and certain districts aren't going to vote for liberal Democrats. Thus the option of having a blue dog or no Democrat at all.
I don't expect all the Blue Dogs to fall to Democrat challengers. Maybe a few.
Dems got control of Congress due to the massive fail of the Bush regime, remember?

which prompted the Dems to seek out conservative Democrats in hopes of turning border line districts Democrat.....it worked....but it wasn't the success of liberalism....it was the success of turning Democrats more conservative.....that's why it's foolish to complain they are acting like conservatives....that's exactly why you chose them to run......
Yes, and after the GOP refuses to extend health care to 47 million people, I'm sure the voters will all flock to the polls determined to make a change.

Republican Senators up for re-election in 2010:

* Richard Shelby of Alabama
* Lisa Murkowski of Alaska
* John McCain of Arizona
* Mel Martinez of Florida
* Johnny Isakson of Georgia
* Mike Crapo of Idaho
* Chuck Grassley of Iowa
* Sam Brownback of Kansas
* Jim Bunning of Kentucky
* David Vitter of Louisiana
* Kit Bond of Missouri
* Judd Gregg of New Hampshire
* Richard Burr of North Carolina
* George Voinovich of Ohio
* Tom Coburn of Oklahoma
* Jim DeMint of South Carolina
* John Thune of South Dakota
* Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas
* Bob Bennett of Utah
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During the Bush reign of terror, antiwar activist Cindy Sheehan enjoyed widespread support among Progressives and was universally regarded as a rising star in the Democrat Party.

Then she began to question the Party leadership.

In May 2007, Cindy Sheehan officially left the Party and speculated publicly about challenging Dianne Feinstein for her seat in the United States Senate.

In July 2007, Sheehan announced that she would run against U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

Sheehan lost. In a seven-way race, Sheehan only got 46,118 votes (16.14%) to Pelosi's 204,996 (71.76%).

Now where is she?

Blue Dogs need to consider Sheehan's fate before they oppose our leaders on important issues like health care reform.

Did you expect Sheehan to win? 16% of the vote of is a very high number for a third party candidate, but no third party candidate ever beats the D or R.
Haha! This troll is claiming Sheehan ran to the right of Pelosi??? Now that IS funny. Pelosi's my rep so Sheehan ran in my district and she did not run to the right of Pelosi. Too funny.

San Fransisco is probably the only place in the nation left-wing enough so that most of the competition is between a dominant Democratic party and a weak Green (or other left-wing) party. The Republicans pretty much don't exist. Sheehan just wasn't popular enough to pick up on those votes; and it's not like there are enough to win anyway. Pelosi's approval is just too high.
San Fransisco is probably the only place in the nation left-wing enough so that most of the competition is between a dominant Democratic party and a weak Green (or other left-wing) party. The Republicans pretty much don't exist. Sheehan just wasn't popular enough to pick up on those votes; and it's not like there are enough to win anyway. Pelosi's approval is just too high.

Pelosi's been ingrained in this city's politics for years. She knows all the local players. And she's freakin Speaker of the House. No one is going to beat her let alone a newby one trick pony.
And they will be replaced with Republicans. That'll do you a lot of good.

I've been trying to point out the irony of the Blue Dogs. They oppose the Democratic platform, which weakens the Democratic vote all around... which means moderates lose their seats.

If it is as Asshat says and they become "heroes" for opposing health insurance reform, then we wouldn't lose any seats even if we lost votes. But I don't think that's how it's going to play.