What books are you reading right now?

Historical research.


Well, in that case...

I bought Norm Macdonald's autobiography, need to start that one.

I still hold out hope George RR Martin will get around to his last two volumes on A Song of Ice and Fire (the Game of Thrones series). So curious to see how its intended to end up.
I bought Norm Macdonald's autobiography, need to start that one.

I still hold out hope George RR Martin will get around to his last two volumes on A Song of Ice and Fire (the Game of Thrones series). So curious to see how its intended to end up.

Prequel is supposed to be out, isn't it?
Prequel is supposed to be out, isn't it?

the TV version starts this year I believe. I tried reading the book version but it was not nearly as well crafted as the main series. Kinda like an assistant roughed it out based on the basic structure already laid out in ASOIAF then kinda added some story to make a bit of a tale of it.

Part of the trouble for me was that I was not that interested in the Targarian family tree and this entire book is all about them and their dragons and incest. A little of that goes a long way.

A different prequil they were thinking about was even further prequel to the so-called Age of Heros and the stories of the original inhabitants of Westeros and how things went down when men from the east arrived. But that would have required a lot more Martin involvement than he was prepared to give.

Best not get me started on this subject I can ramble on a lot longer than most anyone would like to see.
That's too bad. He sure works slowly. Looks like he's more into merchandising and licensing these days.


Have you read Patrick Rothfuss?

You might enjoy his Kingkiller Chronicle.


its been the TV thats caused most of the delay. But I cant blame him for cashing in when he could, everyone is trying to make a buck after all and he's not a young man.

I have not tried those but thanks, I'll look into them.
You're right. He owes us nothing, really.
honestly he does not. But he is pretty close to done with the next to last book according to him so I hope that rolls in. Then I think the last book COULD unfold quickly as TV seems to be winding down. The buzz has been a little quiet on the new show. I like Matt Smith in one of the lead roles but you never know if you can catch lightning in a bottle twice or if people feel like I do that the story is not compelling..

I enjoyed them.[/QUOTE]