What breed of dog should I get?


God Bless America
I'll probably be moving to a bigger place with a back yard within the next few months, which reminded me that I'd really like to get a dog. My last dog was a cocker spaniel. She was ok, but not great around kids. I'm looking for a dog that is very friendly, and one that isn't high-maintenance. Also, no rat dogs of any sort. They're of the devil. :)

Any suggestions?
Here is my suggestion...

Go to your local Humane Society and adopt a dog. I have owned all kinds of dogs in my lifetime, and there is no question, the very best ones, came from the pound. It's almost as if they understand you rescued them, and they are very loving and loyal in return. My favorite mutt was mostly a husky-collie mix, and we had her for 15 years. Loyal, lovable, great with kids, and smart as a whip... made you think of Lassie.

I have had some great thoroughbreds as well, a Schnauzer named Molly was one of our most beloved pets for many years. She would actually try to 'talk' to us.... my daughters claimed they could understand her sometimes. Great dog, but she liked to bark a lot, real drama queen too... still, a pretty good pet for a 'show dog' type. If you don't like a lot of barking, don't get a Chihuahua... I love the little buggers, but they are noisy as hell for a little dog. Beagles are a good choice when in doubt, they are almost always good pets.
Here is my suggestion...

Go to your local Humane Society and adopt a dog. I have owned all kinds of dogs in my lifetime, and there is no question, the very best ones, came from the pound. It's almost as if they understand you rescued them, and they are very loving and loyal in return. My favorite mutt was mostly a husky-collie mix, and we had her for 15 years. Loyal, lovable, great with kids, and smart as a whip... made you think of Lassie.

I have had some great thoroughbreds as well, a Schnauzer named Molly was one of our most beloved pets for many years. She would actually try to 'talk' to us.... my daughters claimed they could understand her sometimes. Great dog, but she liked to bark a lot, real drama queen too... still, a pretty good pet for a 'show dog' type. If you don't like a lot of barking, don't get a Chihuahua... I love the little buggers, but they are noisy as hell for a little dog. Beagles are a good choice when in doubt, they are almost always good pets.

For once I have to agree with Dixie. If you want a great dog get one from the pound. They also definently know that you rescued them. I have a pit lab mix saved from the pound. Get a big dog, if you don't its not a dog. I like pitbulls, they are the only dog i will get from now on and are great with kids.
Dixie makes sense on this topic. The pound is an excellent place to find a great dog.

Big dogs are my favorite. Look for one that might have som Lab or Golden Retriver in them. In a puppy that usually means a big head and huge feet.

Go to the humane society and talk to them. Tell them what you want.

They will be happy to help you with a big dog, because those are harder to place.

If you want a pure breed dog, look for a lab or golden retriever. Hard to go wrong with them. But they will require plenty of attention. These dogs are energetic and intelligent. Let them get bored and they will make you regret it.
I'll probably be moving to a bigger place with a back yard within the next few months, which reminded me that I'd really like to get a dog. My last dog was a cocker spaniel. She was ok, but not great around kids. I'm looking for a dog that is very friendly, and one that isn't high-maintenance. Also, no rat dogs of any sort. They're of the devil. :)

Any suggestions?

Go to the pound and the one that looks you in the eye is the one.
I have to suggest some form of Lab. They have the best personalities. Totally laid back, and love to play.

The one I just had played all the time! She wore all the other dogs out! Including the puppies. She is just a sweetie and she didn't shed!
Watch out for chewing in Labs, or Lab mixes. They'll eat your house to a nub if you aren't careful.
Watch out for chewing in Labs, or Lab mixes. They'll eat your house to a nub if you aren't careful.

haha! True!

When we have adoption days everyone rushes the puppies and young dogs. Personally, I like a dog that is past that chewing stage. The one we had last week did eat through some shoes, a leash, and a few other things.
Lots of toys and attention will help this problem.
That and closed doors and a clean house.

They'll sneak your toothbrush and eat it. They'll eat your hair brush, they'll chew your sandals.... and nobody can watch them 24/7. But a closed closet door will save your sandals, closed bathroom doors will save your hair brush and tooth brush. If you don't have a bunch of stuff on the floor, or in the dog's reach, it can save you money on replacing things like candles...
That and closed doors and a clean house.

They'll sneak your toothbrush and eat it. They'll eat your hair brush, they'll chew your sandals.... and nobody can watch them 24/7. But a closed closet door will save your sandals, closed bathroom doors will save your hair brush and tooth brush. If you don't have a bunch of stuff on the floor, or in the dog's reach, it can save you money on replacing things like candles...

yeah, htat sounds about right. What really sucked was I got her when we were redoing our office so we had stuff everywhere.

But we watched her all the time.
That and closed doors and a clean house.

They'll sneak your toothbrush and eat it. They'll eat your hair brush, they'll chew your sandals.... and nobody can watch them 24/7. But a closed closet door will save your sandals, closed bathroom doors will save your hair brush and tooth brush. If you don't have a bunch of stuff on the floor, or in the dog's reach, it can save you money on replacing things like candles...

I have some friends who had 5 labs (sadly two have died in the last couple of years). They were all inside dogs and very well behaved.

But I once went by to see them, and he was chasing one of the dogs around the backyard. The dog thought it was a fun new game. When I finally got him to stop he explained that he had to catch Ocoee (the dog) so he could remove his sock. At which point I noticed that the big happy beast had a black dress sock hanging halfway out of his ass. It seems the dog had thought it would be fun to play with the laundry, and had actually swallowed one of my friend's socks. But had been unable to pass it completely thru.

I know it was a dangerous situation for the dog. But the memory of Max chaing a dog around the yard so he could remove his sock from the dog's ass still makes me smile.
I'll probably be moving to a bigger place with a back yard within the next few months, which reminded me that I'd really like to get a dog. My last dog was a cocker spaniel. She was ok, but not great around kids. I'm looking for a dog that is very friendly, and one that isn't high-maintenance. Also, no rat dogs of any sort. They're of the devil. :)

Any suggestions?

Get a Pit Bull Brent. I wouldn't recommend one for T but you seem just the type for one.
I have some friends who had 5 labs (sadly two have died in the last couple of years). They were all inside dogs and very well behaved.

But I once went by to see them, and he was chasing one of the dogs around the backyard. The dog thought it was a fun new game. When I finally got him to stop he explained that he had to catch Ocoee (the dog) so he could remove his sock. At which point I noticed that the big happy beast had a black dress sock hanging halfway out of his ass. It seems the dog had thought it would be fun to play with the laundry, and had actually swallowed one of my friend's socks. But had been unable to pass it completely thru.

I know it was a dangerous situation for the dog. But the memory of Max chaing a dog around the yard so he could remove his sock from the dog's ass still makes me smile.
LOL. Thanks. I needed a good laugh.