What can be done to prevent Islamic Jihadism in America


What does my OPINION of not wanting faggots to be able to marry have to do with discriminating against those perverts?

Discrimination is a choice you make when you single out any group to hate. You do it so often you don't even realize what it's called. Discrimination is not necessarily a legal term, racist Princess.
Now I demand that you groan this post! Lol
Discrimination is a choice you make when you single out any group to hate. You do it so often you don't even realize what it's called. Discrimination is not necessarily a legal term, racist Princess.

Discrimination is also the ability to recognize the difference between things that are of good quality and those that are not.

Faggots are not a good thing, like you.

But how does my OPINION affect the life of an average perverted and disgusting faggot (again, like you)?
Discrimination is also the ability to recognize the difference between things that are of good quality and those that are not.

Faggots are not a good thing, like you.

But how does my OPINION affect the life of an average perverted and disgusting faggot (again, like you)?

You changed the question Princess.
Thanks for the groan. How about another .Lol
I don't think you are following the situation. But I am glad you have found a religion to defend. What draws you to them? Their tolerance for queers?

They hate gays, want to control women's behavior, oppose abortion, and kill when they can't force their religion on a society by nonviolent means.

They just imagine a different skydaddy than you.
One ignoramous after another .....where do they all come from? If you knew anything about muslim history you would know that they were engaging in jihad since long before we went into the middle east, long before there was even a modern state of Israel....you talk out of your ass. Next time before you open your pie hole study up.

Study up Christian, Hindu or any other history, you sick, prejudiced nutter, then bugger off on yet another of your Crusades. Bloody vomit!.
Study up Christian, Hindu or any other history, you sick, prejudiced nutter, then bugger off on yet another of your Crusades. Bloody vomit!.

Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa what you know about the 'Crusades', Christianity or Hinduism could be inscribed on the head of a pin. Someone educate this fool...I will not waste my time.
I've said it dozens of times. The entire religion and its practitioners aren't evil just because the terrorists are.

Do you really think you have any credibility? Have you ever read the Qu'ran? Any of it? Or are you like George Bush....completely ignorant in regards to islam...but willing to assume the role of Religious Commentator and trot around the globe proclaiming....'Islam a religion of peace' yeh we know all about dat.
Discrimination is also the ability to recognize the difference between things that are of good quality and those that are not.

Faggots are not a good thing, like you.

But how does my OPINION affect the life of an average perverted and disgusting faggot (again, like you)?

hehheh....but you have hit on a exceedingly important idea.........'discrimination' though the term has been demonized by the libtards is a essential component of a free people.......yet the forces of political correctness not being in favor of liberty(quite to the contrary...obsessed with conformity and toeing the party line) have managed to transform it into a dirty woid.

We all 'discriminate' every day..........discrimination is merely the result of a free person utilizing his ability to reason and sort out what he likes and what he does not, what is good and what is bad, what is beautiful and desirable and what is ugly, what is true and what is not.....etc.etc. and so on and so forth...not rocket science...but a lot of coinfused people out there. Hopefully others on here will try and straighten them out...I do not have the time to waste.
Except piss their panties. :rofl2:

Anyone that is doing anything....best not talk about it on the internet...the Attorney General has made that clear....best not even suggest someone should do anything. Big Brother is watching....expect arrests soon....they want to nip all the backlash in the bud and they will find someone to make an example of very soon.
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa what you know about the 'Crusades', Christianity or Hinduism could be inscribed on the head of a pin. Someone educate this fool...I will not waste my time.

I shouldn't waste my knowledge by trying to inscribe it on your head, certainly, you semi-literate racist yob.
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Anyone that is doing anything....best not talk about it on the internet...the Attorney General has made that clear....best not even suggest someone should do anything. Big Brother is watching....expect arrests soon....they want to nip all the backlash in the bud and they will find someone to make an example of very soon.

How come these omniscient authorities didn't nip Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik in the bud?
How come these omniscient authorities didn't nip Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik in the bud?

They kept everything on the qt....even their familes(if they can be believed) did not have a clue. Besides the attorney general is focused on white right wingers....and returning veterans.