What country in the world has the most guns?

we need to cut defense spending to be sure, but we need to do that just to reduce the insane amount of deficit spending we already have. That money is already being borrowed from future generations, thus we cannot use it for another purpose.

Treating the mentally ill IS saving money. Pay now or pay more later.
A few years ago I had a job for a while. Why?

because you should have had to produce an ID... I suppose you could have gotten by with a voter registration card and SS card to get the job, but you normally need a state id to get the voter registration card... (though this likely varies by state)
Treating the mentally ill IS saving money. Pay now or pay more later.

Incorrect. We are not currently paying anything, thus paying even a dollar is paying more. We have to raise the money from somewhere to pay for the mental health services you are recommending. I am asking where you are going to get that money from given that we currently are already outspending revenue by $1T per year.
because you should have had to produce an ID... I suppose you could have gotten by with a voter registration card and SS card to get the job, but you normally need a state id to get the voter registration card... (though this likely varies by state)

I have IDs, never been asked to produce one.
Incorrect. We are not currently paying anything, thus paying even a dollar is paying more. We have to raise the money from somewhere to pay for the mental health services you are recommending. I am asking where you are going to get that money from given that we currently are already outspending revenue by $1T per year.

We aren't? What do you think the overtime bill was for the first reponders in Newtown?

You do realise that emergency room costs for treating indigents are paid by the taxpayers right?

That losses to the economy due to mental illness total hundreds of billions a year?

There was an incident at the end of my street. One man wacked out on bath salts. 40 policemen responded. Most were on overtime. For four hours minimum.
We aren't? What do you think the overtime bill was for the first reponders in Newtown?

You do realise that emergency room costs for treating indigents are paid by the taxpayers right?

That losses to the economy due to mental illness total hundreds of billions a year?

There was an incident at the end of my street. One man wacked out on bath salts. 40 policemen responded. Most were on overtime. For four hours minimum.

Emergency room costs have nothing to due with treating mental illness. Yes, mental illness can cost 'the economy'... I am talking about what the current tax payers pay.

Your example seems to be overkill by the police. What led to 40 being called? Was the man armed?
not the government , the medical field.

It is a science Damo so it can be based on hard fast rules of sceince

The "medical field" based on whose choices? It's a soft science at best, the rules for this aren't "hard and fast".

Under your imaginary perfect scenario, will there be appeal after first diagnosis, some capacity to get out from government quarantine where you do not have the same rights as other citizens due to a simple diagnosis?
Tom, we have, for the most part, similar provisions here. The problem is, since Raygun, a severe shortage of hospital beds.

This is wrong, we don't have the "same" method here. Unless somebody is deemed a threat to themselves or others, if they are an adult, they can refuse treatment and cannot be held involuntarily. And blaming it on Reagan is idiotic. He was President, he didn't pass the laws, the D Congress did.
Emergency room costs have nothing to due with treating mental illness. Yes, mental illness can cost 'the economy'... I am talking about what the current tax payers pay.

Current taxpayers pay emergency room bills for indigents. Most indigents are mentally ill.
Your example seems to be overkill by the police. What led to 40 being called? Was the man armed?

Overtime pay. ( It is Cape Cod, not much to do around here),
Current taxpayers pay emergency room bills for indigents. Most indigents are mentally ill.

Overtime pay. ( It is Cape Cod, not much to do around here),

That doesn't change the fact that it is not treatment for mental illness that we are paying for.

Then they should be prosecuted for running up the bill with so much over kill in response.
This is wrong, we don't have the "same" method here. Unless somebody is deemed a threat to themselves or others, if they are an adult, they can refuse treatment and cannot be held involuntarily.
Why did you put same in quotes, when I said "for the most part, similar" ? Notice how the quotes are used to indicate the actual words used by the quotee?

People can indeed be commited involuntarily here, if it is medically proven that they are a threat to themselves or others. Seems similar to me.
And blaming it on Reagan is idiotic. He was President, he didn't pass the laws, the D Congress did.


adverb \ˈsin(t)s\

Definition of SINCE

: from a definite past time until now <has stayed there ever since>

: before the present time : ago <long since dead>

: after a time in the past : subsequently <has since become rich>

See since defined for English-language learners »

See since defined for kids »

Examples of SINCE

  • She graduated four years ago and has since married.
  • He left home two years ago and has since become a soldier.
  • There are less hospital beds available since Raygun was in office.
That doesn't change the fact that it is not treatment for mental illness that we are paying for.

Then they should be prosecuted for running up the bill with so much over kill in response.

Whatever bullshit you just uttered doesn't change the fact that the uninsured mentally ill use the emergency room, and taxpayers pay the bill.

Yeah, the cops should be prosecuted lol. You are funny. They were likely operating under the ageis of a Homeland Security grant, so guess what? You paid for them.

By the way, Freaky, read this link http://www.capecodonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080919/NEWS/80919013

Note that they don't mention that the cop shot the guy in the back of the head, through the back windsheild as the car drove away.

Then tell me again about "prosecuting cops". lol
Why did you put same in quotes, when I said "for the most part, similar" ? Notice how the quotes are used to indicate the actual words used by the quotee?

People can indeed be commited involuntarily here, if it is medically proven that they are a threat to themselves or others. Seems similar to me.


adverb \ˈsin(t)s\

Definition of SINCE

: from a definite past time until now <has stayed there ever since>

: before the present time : ago <long since dead>

: after a time in the past : subsequently <has since become rich>

See since defined for English-language learners »

See since defined for kids »

Examples of SINCE

  • She graduated four years ago and has since married.
  • He left home two years ago and has since become a soldier.
  • There are less hospital beds available since Raygun was in office.

Since you have erred I will endeavour to assist. FEWER hospital beds, not less. Beds are countable.