What dem candidate could lose to dump?

The White House? I doubt if they could even get air time unless they act like the TV game show host and hold rallies that are more like Nazi love-ins than campaign stops.

It's so cute when low IQ lying liberals are reduced to meme's and innuendo. They have nothing else. And you idiots wonder why your side is losing? :laugh:
So the election comes down to a bunch of states that have white racist voters?

IF the elections come down to six or so states then there is the problem.

What is the purpose of having an election if only six or seven states picks the President?

Like I said......they have to cheat to win.

get rid of the electorial college.

If we get rid of the electoral college .... 2 states pick the President .
America has lost it's moral compass,we have become numb,with the constant immorality of Trump,the nonstop lies.
That narcissism is the new normal.
Unless you can define exactly what 'Reparations' mean, ... it's simply a Slogan. I guess it's a great bumper sticker?

It means money. Actually the "bill" some Democrats said they would sign is just to create a commission to study the issue of reparations (a harmless waste of time) rather than giving reparations.

A few years ago the IRS gave out $30 million in reparations claims before somebody realized there was no such tax claim. 60 Minutes did a show with a man traveling around the country holding meetings selling applications for reparations for $50 each. Those attending were told the reparations would be $500,000 each.
If we get rid of the electoral college .... 2 states pick the President .

Alabama and West Virginia?

Okay, as big of a JackOFF as you are; THAT WAS FUNNY! Cudos :clap:

America Liberals hasve lost it's their moral compass, we they have become numb,with the constant immorality of Trump Marxism, and the nonstop lies.
That narcissism is the new normal.

Fixed this to be factual instead of full of shit.

Cool. A Committee to figure out what the definition of 'Reparations' means.

It means money. Actually the "bill" some Democrats said they would sign is just to create a commission to study the issue of reparations (a harmless waste of time) rather than giving reparations.

A few years ago the IRS gave out $30 million in reparations claims before somebody realized there was no such tax claim. 60 Minutes did a show with a man traveling around the country holding meetings selling applications for reparations for $50 each. Those attending were told the reparations would be $500,000 each.