Very Good!
The intended limitations are being attacked on a daily basis. Ben Franklin said, "We Have Given You A Republic. It Remains To Be Seen If You Will Be Able To Retain It".
Franklin's warning was a predictor of what we have witnessed over the intervening years as the lying thieves, grubbing for power to steal and abuse, continuously chip away at what the Framers gave us.
If the Framers were to come to life today and enter state government as they did in the days of the Revolution, they would likely start another revolution.
All of the Framers knew themselves to be lying thieves and they assumed that the lying thieves around them and the lying thieves who would come after them would be lying thieves who needed to be constrained by a strong and limiting Constitution.
They were right.
We are near to or past the point at which we will soon, or perhaps already have, lost the Republic that Franklin warned us would be difficult to retain.
The erosion began with the FDR administration. Then the educational establishment that has failed to educate and, these days, merely indoctrinates.
Here are it's duties as defined in Article I, Sec. 8; Articles II-V; Amendments XIII-XVI, XIX-XX, XXIII-XXVI.
Defense, war prosecution, peace, foreign relations, foreign commerce, and interstate commerce;
The protection of citizens’ constitutional rights (e.g. the right to vote) and ensuring that slavery remains illegal;
Establishing federal courts inferior to the Supreme Court of the United States;
Copyright protection;
Coining (and printing) money;
Establishing post offices and post roads, a road designated for the transportation of postal mail;
Establishing a national set of universal weights and measures;
Taxation needed to raise revenue to perform these essential functions.
I don't see Department of Agriculture, Education, HHS, Interior, Labor, Housing and Urban Development and Energy as being consistent with those articles and amendments.