What democrats will spend the stimulus on

BBBrain, with the .177" knob on top of his spinal cord, would never enjoy intimacy with you, Owl.
Stop flirting.
He's totally faithful to his right palm.
Probably needs a blue pill just for that.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

He hates it when I change his posts from evil to good. It's done a lot to tamp down his tendency to trail after me posting his nasty little misogynist insults.
BBBrain, with the .177" knob on top of his spinal cord, would never enjoy intimacy with you, Owl.
Stop flirting.
He's totally faithful to his right palm.
Probably needs a blue pill just for that.

lol I wouldn't be intimate with owl slut if she was the last woman on earth I have standards and she falls well below them,
lol I wouldn't be intimate with owl slut if she was the last woman on earth I have standards and she falls well below them,

BBBrain, keep thinking that it's your option.
That would be in line with the rest of your "reasoned" opinions.

Mother of Christ, it's absolutely stunning what one can come across on the internet.
Were we better off not realizing how many idiots are slithering around beneath us?
If I'm eligible for a check, fourteen hundred is just about enough for a new suit.
I'm far overdue for a night on the town.
Let's beat covid and get the fucking town opened up so that I can wear it.

My wife wants a new refrigerator if she gets a check.
I hate practical shit like that.
One, our present refrigerator is less than seven years old and works fine.
Two, she should buy something personal, not something for the house. We have two good refrigerators already.

But she's getting rid of personal stuff instead.
She's given all kinds of jewelry to our daughter.
I think each piece was something I had to buy for fucking up in some way.

Still thinking refrigerator and suit, but no checks yet.
Maybe we're not eligible.
Not a problem.

We have two perfectly functioning refrigerators, and as for me, I have no place to go anyway.
Vegas isn't what it used to be.
Doesn't cater to my demographic anymore.
I hope you and Bob are not examples of trump voters but sadly you probably are......

I voted for trump and both bushes and carter and almost did for o bung hole tilli learned more about him.
In local elections i vote for people in various party.
Still thinking refrigerator and suit, but no checks yet.
Maybe we're not eligible.
Not a problem.

We have two perfectly functioning refrigerators, and as for me, I have no place to go anyway.
Vegas isn't what it used to be.
Doesn't cater to my demographic anymore.

Vegas still caters to idiots
yes I think crack will be the big winner of the stimulus , Im guessing more democrats will spend it on crack , work boots and work gloves will be last on the list just like with items looted out of stores by them all summer.
What democrats will spend the stimulus on ,I going to guess a lot of democrats will spend it on crack, heroin,cocaine and cheap booze.

Next will come deviant sexual acts aka the hunter Biden way.

Lotto tickets will be number 3 on the list.

A abortions will be number 4

what wont be on democrats list

work boots and work gloves , none were stolen either in the riots all over the nation

back rent

student loans

credit card debt

child support

Well the former fake so-called president an Putin lap b!tch tRump and his other Russian sold out repukes did some stimulating alright as a result of stimulating the greedy gullets of their hell bound corrupt buddies with a over $1 trillion tax break and further serving the hell bound creeps at adding $7 trillion tot the national debt. Yet, I believe this atrocity is upon them at paving and stimulating their way to hell ultimately. What is happening now is a needed act as a result of Putin's b!tch tRump and his GQP goons waging war on the well being of society, enabling the covid death of over 500,000 Americans and the hardships that came along with that and putting a hurting and curse on the economy, etc. Here is a recommended solution in order to avoided these dilemmas from ever happening again is to avoid destroying the will of the majority voter when it comes to installing foreign owned gutter demagogues at the White House, and also enacting the 14th Amendment on seditious, treasonous and foreign enemy owned repukes, etc.
Well the former fake so-called president an Putin lap b!tch tRump and his other Russian sold out repukes did some stimulating alright as a result of stimulating the greedy gullets of their hell bound corrupt buddies with a over $1 trillion tax break and further serving the hell bound creeps at adding $7 trillion tot the national debt. Yet, I believe this atrocity is upon them at paving and stimulating their way to hell ultimately. What is happening now is a needed act as a result of Putin's b!tch tRump and his GQP goons waging war on the well being of society, enabling the covid death of over 500,000 Americans and the hardships that came along with that and putting a hurting and curse on the economy, etc. Here is a recommended solution in order to avoided these dilemmas from ever happening again is to avoid destroying the will of the majority voter when it comes to installing foreign owned gutter demagogues at the White House, and also enacting the 14th Amendment on seditious, treasonous and foreign enemy owned repukes, etc.

were not talking about trump or Putin neither will be getting a stimulus check , will you be spending yours on crack or cocaine or perhaps enriching your favorite owl woman corner worker with employment
I'm afraid to disappoint you, Boob, but despite your failing vision no one wants to see a 60-something-year-old g-ma in a sexy outfit. lol

I know that I'm old and decrepit, Owl, but you're getting me worked up with all that sexy talk! Remember, you're a kid to me.
At least I know that if BBBrain and I were the last two men on earth--excuse me...males; BBBrain is a trumpanzee---my odds would probably be better than his.