What did you do during the disturbance in the force of the site?


ButterMilk Man
I ended up over at Debate Politics.

It was interesting but another bunch of the best seem to be gone now, probably giving up on DP.

They also reminded me on why I gave up on them.
I ended up over at Debate Politics.

It was interesting but another bunch of the best seem to be gone now, probably giving up on DP.

They also reminded me on why I gave up on them.

I did look for other Political Sites. I thought Damo got coronavirus or just gave up on the Site as too much trouble and headache.
How much income do you need to offset the amount of Crybabies you have to put up with ?
I did look for other Political Sites. I thought Damo got coronavirus or just gave up on the Site as too much trouble and headache.
How much income do you need to offset the amount of Crybabies you have to put up with ?

I am pretty sure that at this point this site is a pubic service offered by a good citizen, one that the tech overlords will force closed soon, because this that we are doing is not allowed.
I am pretty sure that at this point this site is a pubic service offered by a good citizen, one that the tech overlords will force closed soon, because this that we are doing is not allowed.

"I am pretty sure that at this point this site is a pubic service offered by a good citizen"
Yes, that would be easy to believe. (I believe there is an actual revenue stream with the advertisements, though)

"one that the tech overlords will force closed soon, because this that we are doing is not allowed"
Yeah. Maybe if we were in China or Saudi Arabia 'Free Expression' would be banned.
"I am pretty sure that at this point this site is a pubic service offered by a good citizen"
Yes, that would be easy to believe. (I believe there is an actual revenue stream with the advertisements, though)

"one that the tech overlords will force closed soon, because this that we are doing is not allowed"
Yeah. Maybe if we were in China or Saudi Arabia 'Free Expression' would be banned.

The free expression of ideas is now very often punished, people now have their lives ruined for saying a few words out of place, especially if they refuse to apologize.
The free expression of ideas is now very often punished, people now have their lives ruined for saying a few words out of place, especially if they refuse to apologize.

That's true. The PC Fascists are the new*Book Burners. Did you know I had a Title of an OP changed because I had the word 'Negro' in it.

There's a new 'Forum' here where you can post 'offensive' Titles. I suppose 'The Negro League' would be one of theme.
"The Negro leagues were United States professional baseball leagues comprising teams predominantly made up of African Americans and, to a lesser extent, Latin Americans. The term may be used broadly to include professional black teams outside the leagues and it may be used narrowly for the seven relatively successful leagues beginning in 1920 that are sometimes termed "Negro Major Leagues"."
I am pretty sure that at this point this site is a pubic service offered by a good citizen, one that the tech overlords will force closed soon, because this that we are doing is not allowed.

Web surfing as if there's only this Christian Nation's interpretation of mores & values, as SCOTUS one nation under God with equal justice under law. Paid for a headstone "no equal justice under law" which has been being erased for decades by Christiananality pedophilia's too dang lily brilliant white thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists sociopsychopathilogical human farming.
I ended up over at Debate Politics.

It was interesting but another bunch of the best seem to be gone now, probably giving up on DP.

They also reminded me on why I gave up on them.
Must be some pretty serious rules there...how else would anyone get banned after only 3 posts?
I ended up over at Debate Politics.

It was interesting but another bunch of the best seem to be gone now, probably giving up on DP.

They also reminded me on why I gave up on them.

Don't like them being stricter than here? I got about 6 warning when I started and they were milk toast posts compared to here.
I ended up over at Debate Politics.

It was interesting but another bunch of the best seem to be gone now, probably giving up on DP.

They also reminded me on why I gave up on them.

DP is a good site, as is JPP. Both are better than the mess USMB has become over the years.
Web surfing as if there's only this Christian Nation's interpretation of mores & values, as SCOTUS one nation under God with equal justice under law. Paid for a headstone "no equal justice under law" which has been being erased for decades by Christiananality pedophilia's too dang lily brilliant white thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists sociopsychopathilogical human farming.

I was unable to decode this post.
I am a member to several Guitar and Music related, Homebrewing, and Fly Fishing blogs and forums.

I just come here when I feel like dumping on TRUMPTARDS!
Everyplace as melted down as the West has melted down from what I have seen.

The post-modern era has crumbled the verities since the Age of Enlightenment and the Rise/Fall of the American Empire.

The 20th century American Republic ended with the invasion of Iraq and the rise of the continual warfare state.

This election will institute the rise of the Permanent Majority Party American state.