What difference would proving the election was stolen make?


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Remember what Hillary asked about Benghazi? "What difference does it make?" She meant it's over; it's old news; why rehash it now? Nothing will change. Of course, that was convenient for her and Obama.

DEMOCRATS seem to be asking the same thing about the 2020 election. What difference does it make, they want to know. The election is certified, and you have no proof because we won't allow any to be examined, they howl. Biden is the president, they aver. Nothing will change, they assure us. You're wasting your time, they say.

Again, that's pretty convenient.

Forensic audits would uncover the truth.

Why are they so opposed?

It wouldn't make any difference. People who thought it was would be vindicated but ultimately unable to do anything but gloat about being right and people who didn't think it was would justify it as "Well, it's only fair because blah blah blah blah". Our team good, their team bad.
Remember what Hillary asked about Benghazi? "What difference does it make?" She meant it's over; it's old news; why rehash it now? Nothing will change. Of course, that was convenient for her and Obama.

DEMOCRATS seem to be asking the same thing about the 2020 election. What difference does it make, they want to know. The election is certified, and you have no proof because we won't allow any to be examined, they howl. Biden is the president, they aver. Nothing will change, they assure us. You're wasting your time, they say.

Again, that's pretty convenient.

Forensic audits would uncover the truth.

Why are they so opposed?


Every court judge said the claims are trash

And Arizona allowed a criminal company to do a fake audit

So you had your claims examined

Stop lying you puddle of putin sperm
It wouldn't make any difference. People who thought it was would be vindicated but ultimately unable to do anything but gloat about being right and people who didn't think it was would justify it as "Well, it's only fair because blah blah blah blah". Our team good, their team bad.

Facts matter

Give up on life if you can’t see clearly anymore

Don’t expect many to follow your lead
It wouldn't make any difference. People who thought it was would be vindicated but ultimately unable to do anything but gloat about being right and people who didn't think it was would justify it as "Well, it's only fair because blah blah blah blah". Our team good, their team bad.

Sadly, I concur.
Facts matter

Give up on life if you can’t see clearly anymore

Don’t expect many to follow your lead

They matter when they benefit you and are ignored when they don't. You're just a chimp with slightly (and I do mean slightly) better typing skills.
They matter when they benefit you and are ignored when they don't. You're just a chimp with slightly (and I do mean slightly) better typing skills.


I base my opinions on what the FACTS SHOW

You hate EVERYTHING in life

That is not my fault
It wouldn't make any difference. People who thought it was would be vindicated but ultimately unable to do anything but gloat about being right and people who didn't think it was would justify it as "Well, it's only fair because blah blah blah blah". Our team good, their team bad.

Total bullshit. If it turned out that your vast conspiracy was real, I would demand that every person involved be put in jail. But it isn't, so the question is moot. The correct answer to this question is; the election wasn't stolen, so that's a really fucking stupid question.

Total bullshit. If it turned out that your vast conspiracy was real, I would demand that every person involved be put in jail. But it isn't, so the question is moot. The correct answer to this question is; the election wasn't stolen, so that's a really fucking stupid question.


No you wouldn't. You'd justify it and ignore it. You don't have principles beyond "me good, other bad".
If there were largely irrefutable proof the last presidential election was "stolen" that a reasonable person would take that way, the Democrats would be doomed. It'd be a Nixon Watergate on steroids scenario. Even down ticket they'd be turned out of office.

I'd also say they couldn't get a new election law passed if they had an 80% majority in Congress.

Every Democrat down ticket would run as fast as they could away from anything the national party wanted to do because they'd know they're fucked if they support it.
If there were largely irrefutable proof the last presidential election was "stolen" that a reasonable person would take that way, the Democrats would be doomed.

Think so?

Didn't old man Biden just remind us that he has F-15s and nuclear weapons?
Yea, but he doesn't know where he left them or who to call to use them... That is, if he wakes up from nappy time...

I'm pretty sure Ron Klain knows who to call at the Progressive Pentagon and it's likely that Susan Rice knows how to access the football.
Thread: What difference would proving the election was stolen make?

IF our elections were ever PROVEN to be anything but free and fair, to a degree that would change the outcome, that would make a significant difference.

Unfortunately,saying an election was stolen, contrary to the popular belief of Trump and his supporters, doesn't mean it was. There was 60+ challenges to the 2020 Presidential election, before, after and during the time the votes were certified by their respective states and all but one failed. The one challenge that succeeded resulted in poll watchers being allowed closser access, in spite of COVID, to the poll workers counting votes. The only other fraud uncovered was by Trump supporters that tried to vote more than once, or for someone else; and even that was so rare that it had no impact on the elections results.

Trumps own people, die hard Republican authorites and judges in red states all agreed that 2020 was the most honest and fair election ... EVER. Trump's constant lie that the election was stolen, from him has only resulted in a lot of pissed off AmeriCANs that believe his lies, andlaws that will disenfranchise honest AmeriCAN voters.