If the shoe fits.
Remember what Hillary asked about Benghazi? "What difference does it make?" She meant it's over; it's old news; why rehash it now? Nothing will change. Of course, that was convenient for her and Obama.
DEMOCRATS seem to be asking the same thing about the 2020 election. What difference does it make, they want to know. The election is certified, and you have no proof because we won't allow any to be examined, they howl. Biden is the president, they aver. Nothing will change, they assure us. You're wasting your time, they say.
Again, that's pretty convenient.
Forensic audits would uncover the truth.
Why are they so opposed?
If the shoe fits.
I know you think your being logical but your statements ignore the facts; not alt-facts, facts.
Your lack of knowledge of the English language is apparent.
You are incorrect from the jump, that isn’t what Hillary meant