Why do all the dirty trashy proles try to come to our awesome nations?
Is it just a coincidence some of us have been so successful?
What are the commonalities that have made 1st world nations succeed?
And if there are such commonalities, shoudln't the things that have made us successful be preserved? Aren't such things worthy? Or should we take the advice of life losers that couldn't fix their own steaming pile of a shit country on how to run our very successful country that they are now desperate to get into?
Is it just a coincidence some of us have been so successful?
What are the commonalities that have made 1st world nations succeed?
And if there are such commonalities, shoudln't the things that have made us successful be preserved? Aren't such things worthy? Or should we take the advice of life losers that couldn't fix their own steaming pile of a shit country on how to run our very successful country that they are now desperate to get into?