What do all the first world nations have in common?

america didn't always have a great military. We were already kicking ass culturally and were a successful nation before we ever ramped up our military. I think before world war 1 we were ranked like 20th in the world, behind portugal.

Poor nations also participated in slavery. Some nations have de factor slavery even to this day, all poor dirt holes. That doesn't lead to a nation being prosperous.

I love how liberals think the only way we could have been successful is through abuse. That shows what they really think about our country. But again, to point out, these are not exclusive to rich successful nations. Back in the day, all nations had slavery. So that's not what sets us apart. Try again.

It didn't hurt to have virtually all the natural resources needed for major industrialization, once the native inhabitants were crushed. We also had a ready and willing work force once due to massive immigration.