What do they call black people in england?

I am awash with it??


Okey dokey.

I can live with that.

I think that the divisions between us can be all but erased. But creating more of them is counter-productive.

That you are tired of my saying this sort of stuff doesn't bother me.
I have always agreed with Teddy Roosevelt on this one.

"There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americanism. The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation of all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities." Teddy Roosevelt

I would not quote Teddy on race. He was a horrible racist.
Whether he was a racist or not is irrelevant for this thread.

His quote makes a good point. We should work to join all our people, not divide them.
"Black British" is used by the British authorities to mean UK passport holders of African or African-Caribbean origin. "African British" is gaining in popularity, from what I hear.

Maybe we should just call them what they call themselves, niggers....:clink:
Whether he was a racist or not is irrelevant for this thread.

His quote makes a good point. We should work to join all our people, not divide them.

Teddy's vision of "joining people" was to homogenously force them all into the white European vision of how people should be. It is extremely disturbing that you sympathize with him.
Teddy's vision of "joining people" was to homogenously force them all into the white European vision of how people should be. It is extremely disturbing that you sympathize with him.

Did I advocate Teddy's vision? Or did I quote him pertaining to use of hyphenated americans?

Please stick with what I actually say, and leave the wild interpretations out of it.

Or please try and explain how calling someone an african-american, irish-american, japanese-american or mongolian-american does ANYTHING except increase division?
I am unique:

I am a Catholic-American, a conservative-American, a Seattle-American, a Washington-American, a Northwest-American, a Caucasian-American, a Czech-American, a Slovene-American, an Irish-American, a German-American, a Wennebego Native American, a European-American, an over six foot-American, a male-American, a collegiate-American, a BA-American, a meat-loving-American, and I hate all of you for not being exactly the same hyphenations as me!