APP - What do you Think of the APP?

What do you Think, Motherfuckers?!!?

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I do get bothered that the mods seem to sit by and not enforce the rules of APP. I find the ad homs and name calling are just as bad as the other sigs and when I read them I tend to forget that I am in APP and tend to respond in kind.

I think the mods need to do a better job of pointing out to people when they have transgressed the rules of APP.

In most cases they need not do anything other then give a friendly reminder of what the rules are.
I do get bothered that the mods seem to sit by and not enforce the rules of APP. I find the ad homs and name calling are just as bad as the other sigs and when I read them I tend to forget that I am in APP and tend to respond in kind.

I think the mods need to do a better job of pointing out to people when they have transgressed the rules of APP.

In most cases they need not do anything other then give a friendly reminder of what the rules are.

This board serves as a monument to how a good idea can be ruined by the stupid! When they first announced it, I was enthusiastic about it, I thought we would finally have a board free of the usual adhoms and personal attacks, where legitimate discourse could prevail. It began as a really good idea, but Grind was put in charge, and Grind is stupid. So, subsequently, the whole idea became stupefied. In less than 24 hrs., it had been relegated to the same status as all the other forums, with the exception of, on this board, Grind gets to swing his man meat around when he pleases. They should have named it Grind's Ego Trip Board!
I'd post here more if there were some decent topics. As it is, it's global warming 99% of the time.
This board serves as a monument to how a good idea can be ruined by the stupid! When they first announced it, I was enthusiastic about it, I thought we would finally have a board free of the usual adhoms and personal attacks, where legitimate discourse could prevail. It began as a really good idea, but Grind was put in charge, and Grind is stupid. So, subsequently, the whole idea became stupefied. In less than 24 hrs., it had been relegated to the same status as all the other forums, with the exception of, on this board,

APP was my idea to begin with. It wasn't "ruined" in the way you describe because it never was the way you described in the first place. It's not like it was one way and then changed to something different. You just never liked APP from the beginning. Which is fine, but you need to learn the difference of fantasy and reality.

Grind gets to swing his man meat around when he pleases. They should have named it Grind's Ego Trip Board!
I literally haven't posted on here, read this forum, or done anything on this forum in almost a year. Pretty much after it was created. If what you say is true I would have had more of a presence on this forum for quite a while. But contrary to your current and past assertions, I think it's pretty evident that I don't like editing posts, or deleting posts, or micromanaging anything. All your clamoring of how I would use this board to run roughshot over everyone and delete posts of people I didn't like and "play at being a moderator" and use it as "my personal sandbox" turned out to be pretty much null and void as I've been as hands off on this forum as pretty much everywhere else.

As it stands, damo and I have been talking of canning this sub forum for quite some time now, for some of the reasons stipulated in this thread. Most people either don't like this forum/are ambivalent and us mods don't really do much on here. (as mott stipulated), it's very hard to micromange every post, and I'm not sure the desire for constant civil posts are as in demand as we would like to think ;)

Maybe instead of having a forum where people aren't dicks to each other we should all just try to not be dicks regardless of where we are posting.
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also we aren't for sure canning it, it's just in a limbo state right now and we aren't sure of what to do with it.
APP was my idea to begin with. It wasn't "ruined" in the way you describe because it never was the way you described in the first place. It's not like it was one way and then changed to something different. You just never liked APP from the beginning. Which is fine, but you need to learn the difference of fantasy and reality.

All I know is, Damo originally stated it would be a board for "above the fray" conversations, where the adhoms and personal insulting would not be tolerated or allowed. That changed as soon as the board started up! Within 24 hrs. the "rules" were clarified and rewritten, and essentially conformed to the same exact rules which govern the rest of the board. You and Damo danced around on the head of a pin, arguing that, although the rules are essentially the same for this forum, they would be more strictly enforced. But that isn't true either. When I lodged the first complaint about derogatory personal remarks in a post, you sachet in and 'edit' the post with some kind of 'mocking' response to ridicule me for my complaint, and took no further action. So basically, it's a board like all the others, where 'anything goes' and if you complain, we're going to ridicule you and call you a crybaby for complaining.

As I said, it started out as a pretty good idea, one I was enthusiastic about! I really wanted to have a board where we could discuss things without the constant insults and personal attacks, and thought that was what we were getting. Whether it was because you're too much of a lazy ass to enforce the rules, or you just didn't want to, I don't know and don't care, frankly. It was a completely pointless exercise in stupidity, in my opinion.
If the APP does get canned, just move all of the threads to the Die Forum, except don't lock them down. Might as well give that Forum some purpose, after all.

I viewed this Forum as a joke from the start, and periodically come in here to drop f bombs and whatnot, most of which Damo never bothers to censor. Since most of the threads are boring to me, I rarely post here. And considering all the gay-bashing threads that got started here, for no apparent reason, I'm hardly the only person making sport of the APP.
All I know is, Damo originally stated it would be a board for "above the fray" conversations, where the adhoms and personal insulting would not be tolerated or allowed. That changed as soon as the board started up! Within 24 hrs. the "rules" were clarified and rewritten, and essentially conformed to the same exact rules which govern the rest of the board. You and Damo danced around on the head of a pin, arguing that, although the rules are essentially the same for this forum, they would be more strictly enforced. But that isn't true either. When I lodged the first complaint about derogatory personal remarks in a post, you sachet in and 'edit' the post with some kind of 'mocking' response to ridicule me for my complaint, and took no further action. So basically, it's a board like all the others, where 'anything goes' and if you complain, we're going to ridicule you and call you a crybaby for complaining.

As I said, it started out as a pretty good idea, one I was enthusiastic about! I really wanted to have a board where we could discuss things without the constant insults and personal attacks, and thought that was what we were getting. Whether it was because you're too much of a lazy ass to enforce the rules, or you just didn't want to, I don't know and don't care, frankly. It was a completely pointless exercise in stupidity, in my opinion.

And yet; here you are attacking Grind, calling names, and pretty much doing exactly what your complaining about.

Grind and Damo aren't our parents and if you want something to change, then work towards the change and stop whining about it.

LEAD BY EXAMPLE; but stop complaining if no one follows.
You are only responsible for YOU.
And yet; here you are attacking Grind, calling names, and pretty much doing exactly what your complaining about.

Grind and Damo aren't our parents and if you want something to change, then work towards the change and stop whining about it.

LEAD BY EXAMPLE; but stop complaining if no one follows.
You are only responsible for YOU.

Considering Dixie has posted with these people on the other board and here way longer than you or I, I will defer to his right to express his disdain and dissatisfaction at Grind and Damo based on tenure.

I would think the architects of this board and that new section would either stick to their initial intent of APP, or just admit they failed completely and move on.
Considering Dixie has posted with these people on the other board and here way longer than you or I, I will defer to his right to express his disdain and dissatisfaction at Grind and Damo based on tenure.

I would think the architects of this board and that new section would either stick to their initial intent of APP, or just admit they failed completely and move on.

I just found it to be slightly ironic.