Shaken, not stirred!
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Does it show HOW that person is employed beyond full, temp or part time? Remember, businesses also report their employment/unemployment rate as part of the mix. AND the official reports always couch everything with the word "estimates".
Let me explain it to you in a manner you'll find acceptable: remember when Obama touted that the near recession that was the Bush legacy was over because employment was up as reported by businesses? The GOP retort was that those jobs were NOT of the same quality as the ones previously held (lower salaries, more part-time and temp, less benefits). They made the DISTINCTION to counter the official tallied facts that jobs were being filled and the horizon was brighter. All I'm doing here is applying to same scrutiny to the ACTUAL employment/unemployment rate.
It does, actually. There are unemployment stats for 'underemployed', etc.. But again, the stats would report that one person is employed and that 9 are unemployed. Not what you claimed.
Actually, I stated AS FACT that nowhere in any of the links provided by Rick Saunders is the distinction made that 3 jobs are held by one person, and therefore the numbers of employed (as reported by businesses) is skewed as to the number unemployed (and yes, like it or not the unemployment insurance stats by the DOL play a part in the equation, as one of my links shows). Only the IRS has the records for how many jobs one actually has. Also, could you please point to the report and page where "under employed" is listed and how?