What draws your attention when you look at this image?

What draws my attention? The fact that you posted a picture of a naked blue guy.

We wonder what search string you used to get a picture of a naked blue guy, but we're too polite to ask.
I'm really unfamiliar with "watchmen".

You should watch the movie, its great. I was actually unfamiliar with it until I saw the previews. Recently I bought the graphic novel at Costco...

And since you're unfamiliar, you won't even notice the changes, like me. Apparently a bunch of purists are mad that they corrected the ending (which was pretty weak) for the film. Mad Magazine even poked fun at them.

Just remember that the film is 3.5 hours, so make sure you have some spare time. :clink:
You should watch the movie, its great. I was actually unfamiliar with it until I saw the previews. Recently I bought the graphic novel at Costco...

And since you're unfamiliar, you won't even notice the changes, like me. Apparently a bunch of purists are mad that they corrected the ending (which was pretty weak) for the film. Mad Magazine even poked fun at them.

Just remember that the film is 3.5 hours, so make sure you have some spare time. :clink:

Mad Magazine is still going?
It used to be funny.... but that was a lo-o-o-ong time ago.
Seriously, what is that? crotch gills?

Sadly, with the standard of genital art nowadays, it is difficult to tell whether the flappage is intentional or merely the result of yet another feckless attempt at capturing the nobility of the wondrous ball bag.
Sadly, with the standard of genital art nowadays, it is difficult to tell whether the flappage is intentional or merely the result of yet another feckless attempt at capturing the nobility of the wondrous ball bag.
They couldn't have been trying to capture the wonders, there aren't any wrinkles...
I have ADD, and the Google ad brought up Natural ADD Remedy, and I was going to talk about ADD, and how I have it and stuff. Because this was a completely boring thread that had so much potential, but you ruined it with a naked blue guy cartoon. If you are gonna put a naked blue guy cartoon up for observation purposes, at least use Papa Smurf next time?
Mad rocked back in the 70s and 80s. I have a stash of old issues, and I can tell you that all of the new ones I have ever looked at suck...