what Europe knows which American doesn't

If you watch this for like 12 minutes you will understand forever what the DOJ scandal is all about.
"what Europe knows which American doesn't?"

Good cheese, and good wine.

(P.S. I'll have to watch the video later)
ask yourself why this story is not page one?

Then note in watching it that it happened before in the 1980s and the fuckers were caught red handed.

Yet why do people refuse to think it possible?
I just cant believe no one cares about legal voters beeig kicked off the voting rolls.

This is not how a democracy survives.
They've been OPENLY doing this to the American people since 2000.

The fraud of electronic voting has been conclusively proven and steps, small steps, are being tken to prevent it.

So now they simply move on to the next fraud knowing full well that the American people are the most naive people ever invented.

We deserve the government we get.

America DESERVED George Bush.
Actually this was done much earlier than 2000.

That's because it's not the only trick in their book my brother. They have other tricks planned that europeans will know and Americans won't know.

When I say Americans are invented I do mean invented. We didn't get this dumb by happenstance. This took planning.

The neocon cabal that orchestrated voter caging knows the depth of our ignorance and I'm willing to bet that voter caging still happens. Just because some of us know it changes nothing, nor will it change because europeans know it. Most Americans are too dumb to be interested in european society other than to go visit their and act like an American. I mean after all, when you're superior and everybody wants to be you, what is there to learn?

A lot of Americans who think they are among the enlightened ones get their news from places like Comedy Central .. and they think that's "progressive." I've never heard John Stewart ask a tough question and he sure as hell doesn't interview many europeans.

The knowledge of the fraud of electronic voting has been conclusively proven .. but you're still going to become a victim of it in '08. This shit has been known for at least 5 years and adequate protection has not b een put in place yet .. and you're running out of time to get it there before the '08 elections. After 8 years of enduring the worst US president in history, and with knowing that fraud put him in office .. and we still aren't adequately protected???? .. C'mon now, that is historically dumb. We need to put one of those Alfred E. Neuman Mad Comics faces on the American flag.

The fraud of the 2002 and 2004 elections couldn't be more clear. They stole it right in front of our faces. Their plan wasn't even that clever.

They wrote a script for their gameplan and called it "Project for a New American Century: Building America's Defenses." .. George Bush has been following it to the LETTER. They put it on the net so everybody could read it. It still took Americans 6 years and hundreds of thousands of dead bodies before the light came on before we knew the war in Iraq was a fraud. And many think they're progressive and smart because NOW they figured it out.

PNAC told you it was a fraud long before it happened. But they didn't give a damn if we knew. They knew we couldn't do anything about it. Too dumb.

Most of europe knew that too. That's why their citizens demanded that their leaders keep them the fuck out of Iraq. There were massive protests all over europe with up to 50 million people against the war even BEFORE the war began. Only a few europeans joined the "Coaltion of the Billing" and traditional allies like France and Germany took a pass on what all of europe knew to be a fraud. Even nations that did join in sent minimal troops. Japan sent like 12. And long before now, most of those who did join in initially have brought their troops home. the "coalition" soon dwindled to the US and a couple brits .. who will also soon begetting the fuck out.

Many of the leaders who didn't do as their citizens demanded and got involved got a boot up their asses on the way out the door. .. Spain, Italy, Poland, Tony Blair in the UK, and now John Howard in Australia, all got the boot because they didn't do what their citizens demanded. I think that's called "democracy"

ALL of europe knew the war on Iraq was a fraud and they were smart enough to interpret what PNAC was saying. Europeans also knew what PNAC meant by "A New Pearl Harbor", but you can't discuss that with Americans ... too dumb.

This level of dumbness had to be created and birthed .. I call it "creationism"

I bet europeans are saying to themselves. "DAMN, Americans have to be the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet."

After Bush was selected again in '04, here's what a lot of europeans and media outlets were saying ...

Tha's not a spoof .. that's the actual paper.

The neocons have lots more shit planned .. like this ..

.. and there isn't much we can do about it.

Too dumb.
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You bet it does and its mostly aimed at black people because they are easy to pick out by where they live and how they vote.

Thys were CAUGHT doing this back in the 80s and they are STILL doing it.

That was what the Felons list in Florida was about folks.

You bet it does and its mostly aimed at black people because they are easy to pick out by where they live and how they vote.

Thys were CAUGHT doing this back in the 80s and they are STILL doing it.

That was what the Felons list in Florida was about folks.


They also know that by targeting blacks, most Americans won't care, even democrats who don't seem to understand that by allowing targeted voter fraud to happen to blacks, they've allowed it to happen not only to the Democratic Party, but also to America.

A fair count of black votes in Florida in 2000 and Gore is the president.

The disenchisement of black votes in Ohio in 2004 is legendary and it's being talked about all over europe. "American Blackout", "VoterGate", and "Hacking Democracy" are among many documentaries on this issue that have a wide growing european audience.
I want every American to vote!

I want Cons to vote!

I am a believer in Democracy!

When a party has to YEAR after YEAR keep any Americans from voting to win they should be forced to pay billions of dollars in restitution to these voters.

Why wont this "liberal media" report any of this stuff?

If the media was liberal they would remind Americans every thime there was an elelction that the R party was caught red handed doig this 20 years ago.
They also know that by targeting blacks, most Americans won't care, even democrats who don't seem to understand that by allowing targeted voter fraud to happen to blacks, they've allowed it to happen not only to the Democratic Party, but also to America.

A fair count of black votes in Florida in 2000 and Gore is the president.

The disenchisement of black votes in Ohio in 2004 is legendary and it's being talked about all over europe. "American Blackout", "VoterGate", and "Hacking Democracy" are among many documentaries on this issue that have a wide growing european audience.

I've read about Ohio. Do you think that having a Democratic governer, and a Democratic attorney general, will prevent most of that from happening again in 08 there?
Its going to help.

The machines are still not trustworthy in my mind but I bet you wont see 11 hour lines in Dem counties this time.
I've read about Ohio. Do you think that having a Democratic governer, and a Democratic attorney general, will prevent most of that from happening again in 08 there?
I dunno. The Democratic County Clerks destroyed their records.
could you name them?
Which of the counties destroyed their records, Desh?

We'll start with the ones in Columbus and work from there. You pretend that it is only Rs that destroyed their records, there is a reason for the D Counties to destroy their records and it wasn't because they were "helping" Bush to win.